Dropit freispiel
Kompatibel mit windows 10 michael humpa | CHIP software-redaktion
Kompatibel mit windows 10
Letzte Г„nderungen
Mit dropit erstellen sie sich eine ablageflг¤che auf dem desktop, die je nach wunsch ihre dateien sortiert, entpackt, Г¶ffnet, lг¶scht oder komprimiert.

Dropit: automatisierung verschiedener aufgaben
CHIP fazit
Nach kurzem konfigurationsaufwand nimmt dropit ihnen viel arbeit ab. Wiederkehrende arbeiten und sortierungen erledigt dropit fгјr sie. Legen sie ein gemisch von dateien auf dropit ab, kann dieses - je nach ihrer konfiguration - pdfs Г¶ffnen, andere dokumente lг¶schen und archive entpacken. Alles mit nur einem drag&drop.
Michael humpa | CHIP software-redaktion
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Editors' review
Have you ever wished you had a desktop icon that would do whatever you want it to when you want it to? Like saving different files to different folders based on their name or file type? Or creating custom associations that do everything from rename files to run scripts? And enabling multiple profiles? And is widely customizable, on top of it all? Well, dropit. No, we're not telling you to give up the quest: we're recommending dropit, a free, open-source desktop app that does all of the above and more.
We like simple user interfaces, but dropit takes it to the limit: it's a single icon, a downward-pointing arrow on a blue aero background. You can drag it anywhere on the desktop, stick it there, enable always-on-top, hide it, and so on; it's a versatile little tool in many ways. Right-clicking the icon opens a menu accessing dropit's associations, profiles, and options as well as hide, help, and exit commands. The PDF-based help file goes to 11 (pages, that is) while the about file includes an update button. We opened the association manager, a gridded dialog displaying name, rules, action, and destination. We clicked new, named our new association, and added our rules. Dropit provides examples, such as *.Jpg, which affects all files with the extension .Jpg, covering most image files. We selected our action from a drop-down list offering choices like move, compress, rename, and ignore, and our destination directory. We could also apply additional filters for items such as size and date modified, created, and opened. A nice extra let us configure internal environmental variables for file, date, music, and other selections such as desktop path, document path, and portable drive letter. We could create as many associations as we needed and select them from the menu. It was the same with profiles--as many as needed. Under options we could configure everything from startup behavior to compression options, set folders to monitor, create HTML lists, manage duplicates, and much more.
It seems possible to configure dropit for virtually any task you need it to perform from the desktop. It's great to be able to drag and drop things into it without a thought and then find them where they're supposed to be when we go and look. Impressive? Definitely. Essential? Possibly. Totally cool? Absolutely.
What do you need to know about free software?
Editors' review
Have you ever wished you had a desktop icon that would do whatever you want it to when you want it to? Like saving different files to different folders based on their name or file type? Or creating custom associations that do everything from rename files to run scripts? And enabling multiple profiles? And is widely customizable, on top of it all? Well, dropit. No, we're not telling you to give up the quest: we're recommending dropit, a free, open-source desktop app that does all of the above and more.
We like simple user interfaces, but dropit takes it to the limit: it's a single icon, a downward-pointing arrow on a blue aero background. You can drag it anywhere on the desktop, stick it there, enable always-on-top, hide it, and so on; it's a versatile little tool in many ways. Right-clicking the icon opens a menu accessing dropit's associations, profiles, and options as well as hide, help, and exit commands. The PDF-based help file goes to 11 (pages, that is) while the about file includes an update button. We opened the association manager, a gridded dialog displaying name, rules, action, and destination. We clicked new, named our new association, and added our rules. Dropit provides examples, such as *.Jpg, which affects all files with the extension .Jpg, covering most image files. We selected our action from a drop-down list offering choices like move, compress, rename, and ignore, and our destination directory. We could also apply additional filters for items such as size and date modified, created, and opened. A nice extra let us configure internal environmental variables for file, date, music, and other selections such as desktop path, document path, and portable drive letter. We could create as many associations as we needed and select them from the menu. It was the same with profiles--as many as needed. Under options we could configure everything from startup behavior to compression options, set folders to monitor, create HTML lists, manage duplicates, and much more.
It seems possible to configure dropit for virtually any task you need it to perform from the desktop. It's great to be able to drag and drop things into it without a thought and then find them where they're supposed to be when we go and look. Impressive? Definitely. Essential? Possibly. Totally cool? Absolutely.
Editors' review
Have you ever wished you had a desktop icon that would do whatever you want it to when you want it to? Like saving different files to different folders based on their name or file type? Or creating custom associations that do everything from rename files to run scripts? And enabling multiple profiles? And is widely customizable, on top of it all? Well, dropit. No, we're not telling you to give up the quest: we're recommending dropit, a free, open-source desktop app that does all of the above and more.
We like simple user interfaces, but dropit takes it to the limit: it's a single icon, a downward-pointing arrow on a blue aero background. You can drag it anywhere on the desktop, stick it there, enable always-on-top, hide it, and so on; it's a versatile little tool in many ways. Right-clicking the icon opens a menu accessing dropit's associations, profiles, and options as well as hide, help, and exit commands. The PDF-based help file goes to 11 (pages, that is) while the about file includes an update button. We opened the association manager, a gridded dialog displaying name, rules, action, and destination. We clicked new, named our new association, and added our rules. Dropit provides examples, such as *.Jpg, which affects all files with the extension .Jpg, covering most image files. We selected our action from a drop-down list offering choices like move, compress, rename, and ignore, and our destination directory. We could also apply additional filters for items such as size and date modified, created, and opened. A nice extra let us configure internal environmental variables for file, date, music, and other selections such as desktop path, document path, and portable drive letter. We could create as many associations as we needed and select them from the menu. It was the same with profiles--as many as needed. Under options we could configure everything from startup behavior to compression options, set folders to monitor, create HTML lists, manage duplicates, and much more.
It seems possible to configure dropit for virtually any task you need it to perform from the desktop. It's great to be able to drag and drop things into it without a thought and then find them where they're supposed to be when we go and look. Impressive? Definitely. Essential? Possibly. Totally cool? Absolutely.
What do you need to know about free software?
Editors' review
Have you ever wished you had a desktop icon that would do whatever you want it to when you want it to? Like saving different files to different folders based on their name or file type? Or creating custom associations that do everything from rename files to run scripts? And enabling multiple profiles? And is widely customizable, on top of it all? Well, dropit. No, we're not telling you to give up the quest: we're recommending dropit, a free, open-source desktop app that does all of the above and more.
We like simple user interfaces, but dropit takes it to the limit: it's a single icon, a downward-pointing arrow on a blue aero background. You can drag it anywhere on the desktop, stick it there, enable always-on-top, hide it, and so on; it's a versatile little tool in many ways. Right-clicking the icon opens a menu accessing dropit's associations, profiles, and options as well as hide, help, and exit commands. The PDF-based help file goes to 11 (pages, that is) while the about file includes an update button. We opened the association manager, a gridded dialog displaying name, rules, action, and destination. We clicked new, named our new association, and added our rules. Dropit provides examples, such as *.Jpg, which affects all files with the extension .Jpg, covering most image files. We selected our action from a drop-down list offering choices like move, compress, rename, and ignore, and our destination directory. We could also apply additional filters for items such as size and date modified, created, and opened. A nice extra let us configure internal environmental variables for file, date, music, and other selections such as desktop path, document path, and portable drive letter. We could create as many associations as we needed and select them from the menu. It was the same with profiles--as many as needed. Under options we could configure everything from startup behavior to compression options, set folders to monitor, create HTML lists, manage duplicates, and much more.
It seems possible to configure dropit for virtually any task you need it to perform from the desktop. It's great to be able to drag and drop things into it without a thought and then find them where they're supposed to be when we go and look. Impressive? Definitely. Essential? Possibly. Totally cool? Absolutely.
Dropit 8.5.1
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Dropit - весьма полезная программа для работы с файлами, которая поможет вам упростить их обработку, сортировку, поиск дубликатов, архивирование и т.Д. Ручная переработка файлов на ПК (например, фотографий или музыкальной коллекции) занимает достаточно много времени, да и раздражает однотипностью операций. Чтобы значительно ускорить этот процесс и автоматизировать периодически повторяемые операции с файлами как раз и призвано данное приложение.
Программа позволяет настроить автоматическое выполнения операций с файлами и папками по заданным пользователем настройкам: копирование, перемещение, переименование, удаление, упаковка (распаковка) архивов, разделение и склейка файлов, шифрование, отправка по электронной почте, создание галереи изображений и плейлиста для медиа файлов, генерация списка файлов и папок, создание ярлыков, копирование в буфер обмена и многое-многое другое.
Работать с dropit достаточно легко. Сначала нужно создать так называемую ассоциацию (профиль) - необходимую операцию с файлом (папкой), указать ее правила и директорию назначения. Каждой ассоциации присваиваются графические идентификаторы, а вызываются они из меню программы (правая кнопка мыши по иконке на рабочем столе).
После этого достаточно перетащить файлы или папки на иконку приложения и подтвердить выбранное действие. Для удобства реализована интеграция в контекстное меню проводника windows.

Total commander - мощный и стабильный файловый менеджер для windows. Total commander продолжает добрую традицию двухпанельных файловых менеджеров, но отличается
FAR manager - файл-менеджер для windows. Поддерживает длинные имена, корректно работает с русскими буквами (есть и перекодировщик WIN-KOI-ISO). Встроенный

Unreal commander - бесплатный и мощный двухпанельный файловый менеджер. Может стать хорошей альтернативой всем известного total commander

Ifunbox - отличная альтернатива itunes для доступа к файлам ios-устройств. Позволяет просматривать содержимое, как данные отдельного внешнего накопителя, свободно

Double commander - набирающий популярность кросс-платформенный двухпанельный файловый менеджер с гибкими настройками "под себя" и поддержкой плагинов

Q-dir - файловый менеджер с оригинальным четырехпанельным интерфейсом и широкими возможностями по работе с файлами. Работает с любого съемного устройства
Отзывы о программе dropit
Иван про dropit 8.5.1 [18-05-2019]
К сожалению, программа не умеет уменьшать изображения. Это очень бы пригодилось мне как блогеру — но увы. Пришлось качать dropresize.
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Анна про dropit 8.5.1 [11-10-2018]
Отличная программа, очень экономит время. Качаю очень много 3д файлов (за день 200-300 файлов могу скачать) и натаскала эту программу (посредством фильтров) раскидывать всю папку "загрузки" по определенным папкам по имени папки. Очень удобно, особенно для 3d файлов (это куча папок типа lamp_1546, lamp099, desk lamp. )
но прога и не без недочетов. Когда в названии есть определенные слова (часть названия одного фильтра, а часть от другого, например desk и lamp) программа предлагает переместить эту спорную папку в нужную мне папку (вылезает уведомление), вот только часто нужную папку не показывает, то есть мне нужно переместить в lamp, а предлагается переместить в desk или light. Фильтры настроены нормально, но вот такие непонятки все же периодически встречаются, так что обрабатываю спорные папки вручную, но процентов 90 контента обрабатывается правильно. Уже, больше подспорье.
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Встроенный поиск поможет вам найти любой файл. Встроенный проигрыватель покажет вам видео не дожидаясь загрузки. Каталог поможет выбрать из миллона программ, игр, фильмов именно то, что вам необходимо.

About dropit
Dropit was founded to provide smarter shopping for brands and consumers by creating a simple, unified technology platform within the retail ecosystem. В
Bringing together a visionary team of global product designers, software engineers, and customer service and marketing experts, we collaborate with our extensive network of global brand and retail partners to disrupt, innovate and enhance the retail industry with smarter shopping solutions powered by cutting-edge technologies.
Our team
Drop it brings together a visionary team of global business development, sales and marketing executives, product designers, software engineers and customer service specialists.

Karin cabili
Experienced entrepreneur, focused on dropit innovation and product development.

Stuart ford
Business executive, focused on scaling the business internationally and driving usage/activation.

Aaron markowitz-shulman
Business and finance executive, focused on business development, strategy, finance and execution.

Kelly scott
Business development and sales executive; in charge of partnership management and customer service.

Duncan short
Finance executive; spearheads budgeting, financial reporting, liquidity management and finance infrastructure.

Gemma brooks
Marketing executive; heads up activation and alignment of partner marketing activities globally.

Chantal cantle
Human resources executive; responsible for recruiting the best in the industry and managing talent development.

Gal battat
Technology executive; in charge of back-end product development and bringing B2C and B2B platforms to market.

Shiri bar-or
Technology leader; responsible for delivering innovation and enterprise-ready technology solutions.
Want to join our team?
Find out about available positions at dropitвђ‹

Amazon rabatte

- Letztes update:21.06.2018
- Downloads:6587
- Dateigröße:5,11 MB
- Softwareart:GNU
- Betriebssystem:windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, windows 10
- Version:8.5.1
Weitere versionen
Windows hat die angewohnheit alle heruntergeladenen dateien erstmal in einem downloadordner abzulegen. Da verliert man schnell den überblick. Das kostenlose programm dropit sortiert die daten automatisch in die richtigen ordner.
Viele windows-nutzer laden dateien gerne auf die windows-oberfläche (also in den desktop-ordner) oder in einen anderen festen download-ordner herunter. Mit der zeit sammeln sich da so allerlei unterschiedliche dateitypen an, und es wird unübersichtlich. Höchste zeit also, die dateien in ihre angestammten ordner einzusortieren. Mit dem programm dropit 8.5.1 geht das automatisch. Nach vorher festgelegten regeln verteilt oder verarbeitet das programm die dateien weiter. Dabei stehen insgesamt 18 verschiedene aktionen zu verfügung; etwa: kopieren, verschieben, packen oder verschlüsseln. Ein beispiel: alle heruntergeladenen daten mit der endung .Doc, .Odt, .Rtf oder .Docx komprimiert das tool automatisch und verschiebt sie in den ordner "dokumente" auf dem laufwerk "C".
Das interface des programms ist einfach gestaltet und neue regeln lassen sich intuitiv anlegen. Und wem das immer noch zu viel arbeit ist, kann sich eine automatik einrichten, die zu festgelegten intervallen die ordner scannt und die eingerichteten regeln anwendet.
Esta versão do dropit não é compatível com seu sistema operacional, veja a versão compatível.

O que estão falando…
A organização não é o ponto forte do seu desktop e você não sabe nem por onde começar a faxina? Então deixe que dropit lhe dê uma mão.
Trata-se de um pequeno programa especializado em separar, mover e compactar arquivos de acordo com sua extensão. Organize seu computador, mas deixe todo o trabalho duro com este aplicativo.
Dropit é tão simples de usar que nem ao menos possui uma interface propriamente dita, apenas uma pequena caixa com um ícone. Para utilizá-lo, basta que você arraste qualquer pasta para dentro dela.
A seguir, o programa pergunta o que você deseja fazer com cada formato de arquivo: se pretende mover, deletar, copiar, comprimir ou extrair os documentos. Você poderá informar ainda um diretório diferente para cada formato.

O programa também salva suas preferências para cada extensão automaticamente, de modo que qualquer arquivo de mesmo formato será encaminhado da mesma forma. Para excluir as entradas e dar aos documentos um novo destino, clique com o botão direito no ícone do programa e apague as entradas de dentro da opção “patterns”.
Na primeira vez que você arrastar um arquivo de cada extensão, ele vai pedir para que você crie uma regra para aquele tipo de documento. Você pode criar caminhos por formato, nome e muitos outros critérios. Isso só precisa ser configurado uma vez, depois é só aproveitar as facilidades.

Além de organizar os seus arquivos, o dropit tem várias outras funções. Clique no ícone e use o scroll do mouse para mudar a ferramenta. As outras opções deste app são: extrator de arquivos compactados, criação de playlists, apagador definitivo, arquivador, criador de galeria e criador de lista.
Para cada um desses itens você pode configurar um aplicativo ou caminho a ser seguido — ou seja, ele é completamente personalizável de acordo com os programas que você já usa. As operações são automáticas e o botão do dropit pode ficar o tempo todo visível; se ele estiver em cima de algo, basta clicar e arrastar para o lado.
Nossa opinião sobre o dropit
Dropit é um aplicativo muito simples, que permite a rápida movimentação, cópia ou exclusão de arquivos que estão alocados em seu computador. Criando regras específicas para cada tipo de extensão de arquivos, você pode fazer com que a organização da área de trabalho e outras pastas se torne muito mais simples e rápida. É só arrastar os documentos para um atalho mostrado na tela.
Várias ações personalizáveis
As principais vantagens do sistema estão na possibilidade de criar diversas instruções para que o software consiga realizar as movimentações praticamente sozinho — basta indicar o que você deseja que seja feito com os arquivos.
Vale dizer também que a rapidez com que as ações são realizadas merece destaque, pois faz com que não haja perda de tempo por quem está no comando. O uso do scroll para escolher a ferramenta que o dropit vai usar também é interessante e torna o processo mais fácil, mas pode demorar até se acostumar a clicar em outro ponto da tela antes de usar esse botão para rolar as janelas.
Nas versões mais recentes, o dropit melhorou em vários pontos, principalmente na estabilidade. Durante todos os testes ele não falhou e conseguiu cumprir corretamente todas as tarefas pedidas. Além disso, agora ele pode ser usado completamente em português — ao fazer a instalação, essa opção é selecionada por padrão.
Dateien sortieren mit dropit
Veröffentlicht 4. Januar 2012 · aktualisiert 28. März 2018
Automatisches sortieren von dateien und verzeichnissen
Mit dropit erhalten sie eine gute möglichkeit, die verarbeitung von dateien und verzeichnissen zu organisieren. Das programm lässt bis zu neun verschiedene interaktionen zu, mit denen sie ihre datenverwaltung erheblich vereinfachen werden. So können sie beliebige dateien und/oder verzeichnisse entweder verschieben, kopieren, komprimieren, extrahieren, umbenennen, öffnen mit, listen erstellen, löschen oder ignorieren. Ebenfalls können die zu verarbeitenden daten auch noch nach name, dateityp, größe und datum gefiltert werden. Darüberhinaus ist das erstellen unterschiedlicher profile möglich, die ein schnelles umschalten zwischen verschiedenen regeln ermöglichen.
Ordner überwachen und dateien komprimieren
Nach der installation finden sie auf dem desktop das dropit bild. Mit einem rechtsklick auf dieses bild können sie entweder neue assoziationen erstellen (regeln) oder die programmoptionen öffnen. Wenn sie den menüpunkt “assoziationen” öffnen, haben sie im darauffolgenden fenster die möglichkeit, neue regeln für die verarbeitung zu erstellen:
Verwalten der assoziationen
In diesem beispiel verschiebe ich .Iso- und ein paar andere archivdateien in verschiedene ordner auf laufwerk D:. Andere aktionen, wie z.B. Das komprimieren ganzer verzeichnisse, das kopieren von bilddateien auf einen externen datenträger oder das extrahieren von archiven in vordefinierte ordner sind ebenfalls umsetzbar. Nach dem erstellen der assoziationen können dateien und verzeichnisse zur verarbeitung auf das dropit-bild auf dem desktop gezogen werden. Das programm beginnt daraufhin ohne rückfrage mit der verarbeitung.
Im menüpunkt “optionen” kann das verhalten von dropit definiert werden. Zu den allgemeinen einstellungen zählen unter anderem die integration von dropit in das windows kontextmenü, das minimierte starten oder das starten mit windows. Eine sehr interessante funktion finden sie ebenfalls in den optionen: die überwachung. Hier können verzeichnisse ausgewählt werden, auf die alle erstellten regeln in einem frei definierbaren intervall angewendet werden. Zu den weiteren optionen gehören die einstellungen zur kompression, sortierung oder der ausgabe der listen.
Weitere features von dropit:
- Unterstützung von absoluten, relativen und UNC-pfaden
- Automatisches update (deaktivierbar)
- Kommandozeilenunterstützung
- Verschlüsselung der profile
- Protokolldateien
Dropit ist ausschließlich für windows erhältlich und steht für 32bit und 64bit systeme zur verfügung. Die anwendung kann entweder installiert werden oder als portable version heruntergeladen werden.
Drop it program
The history of hcg and calorie-restricted weight loss world-famous endocrinologist dr. Albert T. W. Simeons first proposed the concept of a calorie-restricted diet incorporating doses of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hcg) and refined this concept into a workable protocol in 1954. Dr. Simeons observed that pregnant women in poverty-stricken countries, though underfed and malnourished themselves, would still give birth to normal, healthy babies. Human chorionic gonadotrophin, a hormone produced by women during pregnancy, mobilizes non-essential fat stores to provide energy to the developing fetus. To learn more about dr. Simeons’ research.
The human body contains three types of fat. Structural fat resides around joints and organs to provide protection and support. Normal or essential fat reserves are distributed evenly throughout the body and are used as a day-to-day source of energy. Structural and essential fat are both considered “normal.” the third type of fat is abnormal, secondary, or non-essential fat. This “obesity-causing” fat tends to accumulate around the hips, thighs, waist, stomach, and buttocks, and behind the upper arms (in women) and the upper chest, back, and neck (in men). They are not released during normal diet and exercise but are retained as “emergency” reserves and usually only released as a last resort in instances of severe long-term starvation. But they are also released—and available to be burned—during pregnancy or during periods of inadequate caloric intake. This is the key to weight-loss protocols based on these types of calorie-restricted diets.
Dr. Simeons observed that obesity is nearly always accompanied by a depressed metabolism and a nearly constant state of hunger, which often includes intense cravings. He further observed that “many obese patients actually gain weight on a diet which is calorically deficient for their basic needs.” determined to find the cause for a phenomenon that seemed counterintuitive, dr. Simeons discovered that the diencephalon—a primitive part of the brain responsible for the basic functions of the body such as breathing and the beating of the heart—also directs the storage and use of fat. He believed that resetting the diencephalon is key to accessing and releasing non-essential fat stores.
The evolution of calorie-restricted dieting based on simeon’s findings regarding calorie-restricted dieting and his success with obese patients, our drop manufacturer enlisted the help of some of the world’s top endocrinologists and doctors to make an even better protocol to support a practitioner-supervised weight loss plan that did not contain hcg. Researchers have established that the human chorionic gonadotrophin molecule is comprised of 244 amino acids in two ribbons or chains. Research has demonstrated that only small portions of these chains actively contribute to the molecule’s positive effects on body composition. Drop it’s metabolism manager delivers AACG-A and AACG-B (the only active portions of the molecule) in a bioidentical format. The homeopathic dilutions of these active amino acid chains help relieve the many uncomfortable symptoms associated with calorie-restricted weight loss plans, including hunger, low energy, poor mood, and fatigue. Additionally, metabolism manager contains 21 time-tested supportive homeopathic ingredients for a more complex approach to weight-management support. Taking metabolism manager alone will not result in any weight loss or improvement in body composition. This product works best as part of a practitioner-supervised weight-management plan, such as the drop it program.
Customized weight loss program
Step 1
detoxification & regulation every weight-management program should be accompanied by a comprehensive detoxification program. The body’s non-essential fat reserves serve as a depository for toxic substances. Heavy metals and other toxins are encapsulated in the fat to remove them from circulation. As that fat is solubilized, the toxins will be released into the bloodstream. Without proper support, the body’s elimination systems will be overwhelmed by the increased flow of toxins. The immune system becomes inhibited, leading to a clearing reaction and other symptoms of toxicity. Without proper detox, the long-term success of these protocols is at risk. Our metabolic detox, metabolism manager, and B-more provide those necessary elements for a successful detox and proper fat loss.
Step 2
rapid weightloss using the drop it program
1. Homeopathic drops to detox and increase utilization of fat for energy
2. Restricted calorie diet to unlock the fat
3. Support and accountability is provided by the drop it team
Several weeks following the calorie restricted portion. This is when the foodscan (zyto scanner) and the DNA swab are used as guides for a life long eating plan for each individual client. Our registered dietitians will customize this for you.
Follow the plan set forth in step 3 and keep track of weight very closely. This phase can be used to maintain or lose more weight depending on what the goal is. These steps are repeated as needed to reach the individuals goals for health and weight. This will be the last diet you ever do!
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