Sae palace dice game
Sae’s palace is very straightforward. While the hallways may twist and turn, there is frequently only one path.
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It is broken up into a couple of different floors that you will progress through. Return to the member’s floor and take the elevator back up to the high limit floor. Once you emerge from the elevator, turn around to find the high limit floor safe room.
Persona 5 royal guide: sae niijima’s casino palace
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Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Persona 5 royal’s palaces are nearly the same as they were in persona 5. Similarly, our guides for the previous game will also lead you down the right paths to the boss of this dungeon, though there are some minor changes. With the addition of joker’s new grappling hook, some places may require you to use his new tool instead of our directions below. If joker’s hand glows blue, use the grapple as your means forward.
If you’re looking to find persona 5 royal’s new will seeds hidden in this dungeon, use our guide on okumura’s palace will seeds of greed locations to locate them.
Sae’s palace is very straightforward. While the hallways may twist and turn, there is frequently only one path. It is broken up into a couple of different floors that you will progress through.
No matter how you feel about him as a character, goro akechi is an invaluable member of the phantom thieves throughout this dungeon. He is strong, and his persona’s abilities are very helpful. Take him with you.
Table of contents
- Member’s card
- High limit card
- Dice game
- Break point, lowering the barrier
- 100,000 coins
- House of darkness
- Battle arena
- Access the bridge
- Sending the calling card
- Sae leviathan niijima boss fight
- Escape
Member’s card
Return to the main floor safe room. Once you have fast traveled, go up the stairs and onto the balcony that held the chest from earlier. Look for a grey door on the right side of the balcony. It will be covered in posters. Enter through this door and into a small room. Exit this small room through the door across from you.
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Head forward along the hall until you reach some stairs. Head down the stairs and follow the right path for a treasure chest.
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Return to the stairs and follow the left path instead. Enter the next door that you come across. Once through, follow the path and look left for some machinery to climb over. Do this now.
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Follow the path from here and hug the right wall. Go through the second door on your right for a chest.
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Walk out of the chest room and go straight to find the staff passageway safe room.
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Instead of going up the stairs and fighting the scary shadow head on, climb up the mechanical looking boxes to your right. Once you reach the top of the boxes, you will see a vent opening. Go through it.
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Once out of the vent, jump down and take the door on your left. You will now be behind the scary shadow and can ambush it. You can take it down fairly easily with wind spells. Once it falls, you will get a security keycard. This is a vital item.
Return to the previous room and go through the right door. Follow the path until you reach a gated door. Use your new keycard to open it. Once inside, crawl through the vent and emerge in the control room.
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Approach the giant shadow and attack it. It will go down quickly if you use psi abilities. He will drop a bunch of member’s cards. Futaba will approach the control panel and register you a new card. She will also procure a map of the floor.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Head through the vent that ryuji finds. You will be in a small room. Use your keycard on the door to the right and return to the long hallway. Turn left up the stairs. Take the door in front of you and go up some more stairs.
Take a right off the stairs and go through the keycard door to your left. From here, return to the elevator that sae went up. Use your keycard on the elevator and ride up to the member’s floor.
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High limit card
Congratulations, you have reached the member’s floor. The first thing you need to do now is approach the counter in front of you. The cashier will explain the coin system and tell you what you need to do next. You need 50,000 coins before you can buy the next floor’s card. He will give you some starting coins and a map.
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Dice game
Before going to gamble your new coins away, take the first right from the elevator to find the member’s floor safe room. Now return to the counter and hang a left. Enter into the dice game area. You will be in a large game room. Ignore all of it for now and take a left out of the hall. Approach the vent and crawl through it.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Once you emerge out of the vent, take a right and follow the path. You will find some more climbable machines ahead of you. Climb them.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Once you cross the machine, hang right and enter a small room for a chest.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Take the left path until you reach a door. Enter through the door and head up the stairs to your right. You will now be on the second floor. Follow the second floor path until you reach another staircase. Take this staircase down and follow the path. Take a right and then a left. In front of you will be the entrance to the dice game area safe room.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Hang a right out of the safe room and fallow the right side hall. Once you reach the door, go through it and continue along the path. Ignore the barred door for now and take two right turns. There will be a vent on the back side of the room. Crawl through it for a chest.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Continue along the hall once you leave the chest room. Take the door at the end of the hall and go left to unlock a shortcut. From the door, continue forward and enter the dice game control room. Attack the operator and use bless skills to take him down quickly.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Once he is dead, futaba will rig one of the game rooms. Exit into the game area through the shortcut you recently created. Approach the game room with an exclamation mark over it.
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Approach the game master and bet on "between 3-10." do this four times and you will gain some coins. Take your winnings and attempt to leave the dice game area. Akechi will somehow get a bunch of extra coins for your team. Leave the area and walk straight forward into the slots area.
Walk along the slots and fight the hostess shadows along the way. At the end of the hall, take a left and go up the stairs. Fallow the path until you reach a very fancy room. Walk right and unlock a shortcut for yourself.
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Return to the stairwell and take the door in the center of the room. You will now be in the room with the big slots. Approach the gigantic slot machine in the middle of the room and examine it.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
From here, head up the left stairs and observe the middle wall. (you can climb it from the left side.) doing so will net you a chest.
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Follow along the back area until you reach the exclamation point. Reach the terminal the same way you reached the chest. Futaba will examine it and tell you that you need to find two new terminals. The instructions she gives you can be a little confusing. Leave this room in search of the red and green terminals.
Head right down the hallway with the pacing enemy. Go through the door and climb to your left to reach some treasure …
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. And also the green terminal. It is located directly behind the chest.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
The red terminal is also very easy to find. Back track your way to the start of the slot room area, where you first fought the hostess enemies. The red terminal will be on the wall by the entrance door.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Once futaba is done fiddling with both terminals, return to the gigantic machine. Spin the wheel and win the jackpot. Congratulations! Now return to the counter in the member’s area to buy your high limit card.
When you turn around to enter the elevator, a shadow will be waiting for you. Battle it and then head up the elevator. Once you arrive, the casino worker will ask if you have a reservation. Time to exit for now and change sae’s cognition in the real world.
Break point, lowering the barrier
The process of lowering sae’s barrier is a relatively fast one. Sleep after leaving the palace and then attend court the next day. Once sae sees you there, return to her palace.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
100,000 coins
Return to the member’s floor and take the elevator back up to the high limit floor. Once you emerge from the elevator, turn around to find the high limit floor safe room.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Approach the counter of the high limit floor to gain some more coins and a map. The cashier will point you toward the doors above him. Follow his advice and climb the stairs behind the counter. At the top, examine the big doors.
You will now be on a balcony, a massive scale bridge in front of you. Examine the authentication device to the left of the bridge. Turns out you need a lot of coins to make it to sae. Return to the elevator.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
House of darkness
From the elevator, take a right and enter the house of darkness. Once inside, there is the house of darkness safe room to your left. Pay the entrance fee and advance into the house of darkness itself.
When they said this place was dark, they weren’t kidding. It is nearly impossible to see anything normally. In order to see properly, use third eye. While this will not make things terribly bright, it will be much easier to see. Here is a map of the entire house of darkness to help you get through it:
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Follow the twists and turns until you reach a locked door. After you examine it, turn to your left to discover a vent. Crawl through here to progress.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Once out of the vent, jump up the glowing platform and follow the path. Take a left at the fork for a chest. Take the right fork to continue moving forward. Stick to the right side of the wall to stop yourself from getting lost. Climb up the next glowing podium and take the vent out.
From here, take the path forward for a chest and a shortcut back. Take the left door to win the maze. In the victory room, open the chest in the center.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Walk forward from the chest and go through the double doors. The shadow who first let you in here will cheat and block your path. Take the vent to the left.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Once you emerge, take a left to open up a shortcut back. Take a right from the vent and follow the path down. Follow the hall to the end and jump up the boxes to the left. There is a chest to your right and a door to your left. Take the chest first and then exit.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Use the card to open up the card barrier and then head through the right door. You will finally be at the end. Take a left for the house of darkness goal area safe room. Approach the game master for the house of darkness and battle him. Take your winnings and exit the house of darkness.
Battle arena
This time you want to take a left from the elevator and enter the battle arena. Once you enter the area, hang left for the battle arena safe room. Now approach the counter and speak to the cashier. He will inform you of the cost to play and tell you that only one champion may enter. Now is your time to shine.
Once you are fully prepared. Enter the battle arena.
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You will have to fight three rounds, all of them fairly easy.
- Round 1: use psi abilities to take both enemies down quickly. Just keep spamming it, as you can’t use hold up on your own.
- Round 2: same basic principle, except this time you want to use bless skills instead of psi. These enemies will go down easily.
- Round 3: you will now go against a big guy. Don’t be intimidated by his size. Just battle him like you would any other enemy. Hit him as much as you can with spells and physical skills. When he charges up/focuses, make sure to use block the next turn. As long as you use your personas/items to stay healthy and guard against his big moves, he should go down without a problem.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Access the bridge
Take your 100,000 coins and return to the bridge balcony. Examine the authentication panel again and get a fun scene with lots of very involved math. Cross the bridge and enter the manager’s area.
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Once you discover the treasure’s location, it is time to leave the palace for a while.
Sending the calling card
Meet up with the gang in the hideout. Instead of sending the card immediately, akechi will advise that you wait until the last possible second. Spend your free time however you choose and meet back up on november 18th. Send the calling card out and re-enter the palace for a final time. We all know how this ends right?
Sae leviathan niijima boss fight
Return to the high limit floor and cross the bridge. The treasure will be gone, so go up the stairs and enter the elevator. Time to fight sae.
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To start the fight, attack sae with whatever you want. Eventually, she will begin spinning the giant roulette wheel that is the battlefield. While the roulette wheel is spinning, do not attack sae. If you do, she will cause a penalty to fall on you, reducing your health to 1. Instead, use guard to pass your turn.
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Make a safe bet and then lose. When morgana asks if you noticed anything, tell him yes and then claim that "there is a glass lid." morgana will agree and allow you to send a party member to snipe the glass. Send off akechi, and keep fighting. This time when roulette time comes, make another bet and watch akechi snipe the glass.
Once you catch sae cheating, she will evolve into a gigantic monster with crazy weapons.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
Battle her like normal, using buffs and your party member’s most powerful skills. She will occasionally start the roulette again and allow you to bet. Don’t attack her during this period. If you win the roll (be it health, SP or money), sae will transfer the losses to you.
Once her health reaches a dangerously low level, she will lower her defense and raise her attack. Now is the time to give her your all. Without being too reckless with your own health, throw everything you have at sae. Eventually she will fall. There isn’t much of a secret behind this boss. Just heal and attack.
Image: atlus/sega via polygon
The gang will split up now. Cross the ceiling and defeat the enemy, just as you did earlier. However, this time around you will get some additional dialogue from arsene, your very first persona.
Once joker gets caught, go grab some popcorn or something and enjoy the next hour and a half or so of dialogue and cutscenes. It is all very interesting and enlightening with two save sections in the middle, so don’t stress about it too much. Just sit back and relax. Time to learn a thing or two.
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Persona 5: every palace, ranked from worst to best
Persona 5 has 8 palaces for players to visit, but how do they rank from worst to best? From okumura's palace to madarame's palace, here we list them.
Persona 5 is a one-of-a-kind experience, seamlessly blending classic JRPG combat mechanics with some of the most memorable characters in gaming, all within an incredibly stylish acid jazz noir-inspired package. First released in the united states on september 15, 2016, it will soon get an updated re-release in the form of persona 5 royal on march 30, 2020.
The dungeons in P5, or "palaces," offer up a unique setting for the phantom thieves to infiltrate. As the team embarks on their quest to steal hearts and right societal wrongs, they're plunged into twisted, albeit iconic, representations of their targets psyche. Here we are ranking all 8 of them from worst to best.
8 okumura's palace
In theory, okumura's palace should be one of the coolest. The futuristic setting is rad, and the concept of okumura seeing his fast-food workers as disposable mechanical drones is the kind of perverse villain trait that makes your eventual takedown of him incredibly satisfying.
However, this palace is kneecapped by both its extreme length and narrative shortcomings. While the stakes are still high, they're in relation to haru, a character introduced as morgana's sidekick during his rebellious phase. By the time okumura's treasure is found, it's become less about saving your new friend from her forced betrothal and more about trying to move on past this part of the game.
7 the final palace
The final palace in mementos has a lot of heavy lifting to do. Not only is it propelling the phantom thieves to their final confrontation, but it also has to keep things moving and fun. For the most part, it works just fine. The stark red and black color scheme, a fun puzzle mechanic, and some grim realizations all help make this a very serviceable palace.
P5 is at its best, though, when its characters are front and center in the conflict. Sure, the hearts of tokyo are at risk, but a world-ending threat just isn't as compelling or creative as the more personal moments that the phantom thieves go through in prior palaces.
6 kaneshiro's palace
The best thing kaneshiro's palace has going for it is the introduction of the newest phantom thief, queen (a.K.A. Makoto, a.K.A best girl). The next best thing is the absolutely gonzo boss fight, where an insectoid version of kaneshiro summons a giant mechanical piggy bank to ruin your day.
The keypad puzzles are fun at first, but grow stale after a while. Plus, coming off of the highs of madarame's palace (both from a narrative and level-design perspective), robbing an actual bank somehow feels just a little dull.
5 shido's palace
Shido's palace has some of the absolute coolest and most thematically resonant moments in the entire game. Taking all the people that shido's coerced into his circle to task is super satisfying, and the fight against akechi towards the end is both thrilling and heartbreaking. Fighting shido himself is a challenge, but it makes that eventual victory a fist-pumping moment of joy.
If only those stupid mouse puzzles weren't so annoying. The palace itself is already pretty long, but turning into an (admittedly cute) rodent in rooms full of enemies makes backtracking and exploring a slog.
4 futaba's palace
The best palaces in P5 tell you more than you thought you knew about whomever it is you're infiltrating; futaba's palace gives you an almost fully colored-in picture of her psyche from top to bottom. What starts as a mission to get medjed off the phantom thieves' back turns into a sweet and poignant story about helping futaba coming to terms with guilt.
Crawling through the pyramid is also a lot of fun, if not a bit repetitive. The egyptian-inspired personas you discover help give this palace a strong sense of place, and the puzzles help tell a story as well as break up the gameplay.
3 madarame's palace
Madarame's palace is the first time where persona 5 truly pops off. Where every palace at its core is about stealing a treasure, this is one of the few that truly feels like a heist. The museum feels fully realized, complete with all the things you'd expect to find: an intricate security system, obtuse modern art, and, yes, even a help desk. Even the different sections within the museum feel unique and easily distinguishable. It's also one of the few palaces in the game where the phantom thieves have to work in both the metaverse and the real world to pull off the infiltration.
On top of all that, yusuke's story is told very well here. His complex relationship with both madarame and art help make someone who could easily become a joke character stand out as one of the more emotionally grounded members of the group. To cap it all off, the final escher-esque portion of the palace has some bonkers visuals and a fun navigation mechanic to boot.
2 kamoshida's palace
Lots of video games come with the caveat of "it doesn't get good until about [10, 15, 30, etc] hours in." persona 5 eschews this trend at the top by almost immediately throwing you into kamoshida's palace. Even though it functions as an extended tutorial, each trip into the castle manages to be fun while still telling something about the world, its rules, and its characters.
As ryuji, morgana, and ann become more and more endearing to the player, kamoshida, on the other hand, rapidly cements himself as one of the biggest jerks in gaming. Taking him down feels GREAT and propels the player into their role as a phantom thief for the next 90 hours of gameplay.
1 sae's palace
A 777 indeed! Sae's palace can be best described as a "bop." everything in this palace turns the best elements of P5 all the way up. Akechi joins the party! The music slaps! You get to cheat at dice! By this point in the game, the phantom thieves have fully formed, the story has caught up to the beginning scene, and all systems are firing.
Cruising through the casino can be challenging if unprepared, but it feels so satisfying once you get to the final confrontation with sae and, just for a moment, it seems as though everything has finally gone according to plan. Looking cool, joker!
So, let's see, what we have: whether you’re playing the original or persona 5 royal this walkthrough of niijima’s casino palace will help you get through the entire dungeon, defeat its boss, and help you find the location of the will seeds of jealousy. At sae palace dice game
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