Okumura palace locked chests
Next thing that you need to do is to enter the room in order to defeat some shadows and grab items.
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Once you get to the street & see the blocks in your path, head from the hallway and interact with the panel to build a bridge. To defeat the fiancee robot, make sure to use psi-based & wind-based attacks and watch the cutscene.
Persona 5 okumura palace guide

Persona 5 okumura palace guide to walk you through the palace, defeat the enemies in it, find loot, and defeat the boss at the end.
You should be able to start the persona 5 okumura palace on sept. 19 & must finish it by 10th october. In order to successfully clear the okumura palace, you must be at least level 40.
Persona 5 okumura palace
While journeying through P5 okumura palace, you’ll also come across pretty good loot and other treasures.
In our okumura palace guide, we’ve detailed everything you need to know about completely clearing out the okumura palace, defeating the enemies, and eliminating the boss at the end.
Facility surroundings
Once a short cut scene is over, you must board the disc and proceed to use the lift switch. Once you reach the end, you’ll come across a patrolling shadow with a treasure chest alongside containing a rasetsu ofuda item and a new safe room. Save and prepare, then continue onward.
There’s another treasure chest with a spyware-laden gear midway along the linear path. Grab it before it descends to the next area.
Export line
A treasure chest is found up the ramp with a black kogatana in it. Follow the path down and head south into a safe room. Once prepared, head eat and trigger a cutscene.
Once you’ve reached conveyor belts, move north to come across a robot arm break. From here head southwest of the level and test the console with the flashing blue light. Break the it to create a pathway. Just increase the speed and it’ll do everything on its own.
Climb across the broken robot arm towards the north side. Once you’re on top of the ramp, head northeast more and find a console with the flashing purple light. Agin, increase the speed and break it.
Move across the broken arm and come across another chest containing a fury blade weapon for yusuke, bead and emerald. Interact with the console with the flashing yellow light and break the arm.
Go back to the room where you found the purple console and jump down onto the yellow arm from the ledge outside. Entering the door leads you to the production line.
Production line
Keep moving towards the north and the party will encounter hydraulic presses blocking the exit. A light blue console is found in this area along with a light blue hydraulic press.
You’ll come across the shadows in between the console and the light blue hydraulic press. Take them out and interact with the console. Select to set the machine to lunch for enough time to cross the press.
After selecting the lunch, head to the west light blue press. Cross it and find a fragmented armor inside a treasure chest.
Then interact with the light blue console and start the lunch again. Loop around the hydraulic presses and head to the central southern platform.
On the east end of the platform there’s a purple console. Set it to lunch and firstly run across the hydraulic press then to the purple hydraulic press. Enter the door and enter another area.
Disposal line
A new safe room is opened on the south. Save and prepare, once done head down from the ramp and come across a console with a flashing purple light. Break it and traverse it.
There’s a blue console at the western end of the platform, examine and set a lunch break. From here, return to the light blue hydraulic press (east).
From the hydraulic press jump onto the platforms to its east and find a locked chest with a no mercy SMG for ann, balm of life and an opal. Again, cross the area to the west and hug the north side and come across a blue light. Do what you did previously, increase the speed and break the arm (south) and cross it.
Find a treasure chest on the east side of the platform with shield goggles inside.
Simply set the yellow console to lunch and run towards the yellow hydraulic press. Cross it and get ready to fight the yellow corporobo MDL-CH cognitions.
Use ice and psy skills and you’ll find your way towards the fifth wave of the adversaries to end the fight
Initial infiltration
Once the cutscenes are over, use the console & head down using the elevator. After arriving in the new area, head left & into the hallway to trigger another cutscene.
From the area, follow the balcony & head into the next room. Grab the item in the room, check the blue object, and proceed towards the door. At this point, simply watch the cutscene and find yourself out.
Second infiltration
Continue to chase morgana & head right when the path splits up. Simply continue the chase & trigger a lengthy cutscene.
After the cutscene is over, take the elevator down to defeat arahabaki. Once done, head left towards the balcony area & defeat some more shadows. Now head inside the room at the end of the balcony, grab the item & defeat the shadow.
To defeat the fiancee robot, make sure to use psi-based & wind-based attacks and watch the cutscene.
Finding the treasure
After the cutscene, loot the treasure chest and take the elevator down. Once you’re down, search the area for some items and into the left door for another treasure chest. Now head to the north side to find a safe area.
Exit the safe area, proceed to the other side & head down the hall to crawl into a vent. Don’t miss the item in the area!
Continue to proceed through the vent and deal with the shadow near the barrels. Now continue to climb up the barrels and ledges in order to find a blue console.
After getting the map, climb the barrels and ledges to find another vent. Continue to follow the vent & you should arrive at a hallway with a couple of doors. Head inside an elevator near the roundabout and continue to follow the path to eavesdrop on a conversation.
After you’re done, grab the items and exit the hallway from the left side. A little ahead, take another left and then a right to come to a safe area. Now head left to proceed towards a roundabout & a locked door. Since you can’t do anything about the door at the moment, deal with the shadows on the upper roundabout.
Once you’ve defeated the shadow, grab the nearby item & head left to find a couple of large robots. Speak to the robot & defeat it using zio/garu followed by grabbing the items in the area.
Now head left from the intersection & defeat a shadow. After heading inside the control room, grab the items & defeat the robots using wind-based & nuclear-based attacks.
Grab the elevator key & head right to fight some more shadows. Once done, loot the treasure chest and defeat another couple of shadows on the right side.
Now head down the hallway & turn right to defeat some more enemies using wind-based attacks. Search the area for loot, defeat another robot in the next room, grab the keycard, & watch a cutscene.
At this point, head right & take another right to come across a large, green robot. While speaking to the robot, select 2nd, 1st, and then 1st choice again to start the battle. The battle is relatively easier with wind-based and psi-based attacks.
After the battle, proceed towards the roundabout at the end of the hallway and deal with the shadow. Once done; head right & head left twice to battle the large, green robot once again.
Now loot the treasure chest & head towards the door at the end of the hallway. Head right from the door to fight the large, green robot again.
Grab the keycard and head towards the previous door. Open the door but don’t head inside.
You basically need to retrace your steps to the farthest east side of the area – at the intersection. You basically need to head to the room on the northeast edge of the area. Once you’re there, head down & turn right to take the elevator from the circular area.
In the next area, grab the items and activate the platform to defeat a shadow. Do note that there’s also a safe area & a treasure chest in the area.
Now head onto the right side platforms and continue to follow the path. Do take note of different ledges, shadows, and items in the area.
After getting to the bridge, cross it & enter the room. Grab the items in the area and find another safe area nearby. Now head up the ramp & towards the belt to trigger a cutscene.
Next thing that you need to do is to enter the room in order to defeat some shadows and grab items. Once you get to the street & see the blocks in your path, head from the hallway and interact with the panel to build a bridge.
Go past the bridge while defeating shadows on your way & head into the control area. Make sure to grab all the items in the area.
Once inside, grab the items & interact with the panel followed by proceeding towards the main area using the bridge you made earlier. Once there, loot the treasure chest & interact with another panel to proceed towards the end of the hall.
Production area
Once in the new area, grab the items & clear the shadows before activating the panel. Make sure to stop the blue smashers & head inside the next room to stop the pink smashers. Cross the way & defeat the shadow to loot the treasure chest. Now hit the blue panel, cross the area to hit the purple panel & head inside the next room.
In the next area, you should be able to find another safe area on the left side. Interact with the panel to make way & head left to find another panel. After interacting with it, head towards the blue smasher.
After crossing, defeat a couple of shadows & get to the platform near the golden smashers. Once again, interact with the panel followed by finding a golden panel on the right-hand side. There’s also a treasure chest & a couple of shadows in the area.
Once you’ve disabled the golden smasher, cross it & prepare for a battle. To deal with the robots, make sure to use the psi-based attacks & you should be good to go.
Now all that you need to do is to head inside the room & take the elevator into the next area.
Factory area
On the left side, you should be able to find some items and another safe area. Interact with the window with the sign to get teleported to the other side.
Once you’re on the other side, grab the items and head into the elevator. The next portion is fairly straightforward! You simply need to follow the path while grabbing the items on the way!
Deal with a couple of shadows on the way & interact with the lever to change the colors of the signs. Now head to the alpha tunnel & activate the lever at the end.
Next thing that you need to do is to head to the first lever & put it on omega followed by finding another lever at the end of the tunnel. From the omega tunnel, head into the orange alpha tunnel and take the elevator up.
From the safe area, head inside the air tunnel & take the right-most tunnel to defeat a few shadows. Once done, take the green alpha tunnel & simply continue to follow the path.
Once you’re in the next room, take the left tunnel to get into another room in which you need to take the right tunnel.
In the new area, use the omega lever & head inside the omega tunnel. Retrace your steps to the lengthy hallway & take the omega tunnel followed by taking the middle omega tunnel. Now take the tunnel on the right side and then the one on the north side.
In the next area, take the orange tunnel to defeat the shadow & take the green alpha tunnel. Once again, defeat the shadow & take the blue omega tunnel to loot the treasure chest. All this time, don’t interact with the levers!
Now return to the 2nd lever to take the newly activated tunnels & head inside the room with the treasure chest. Now take the orange tunnel & continue to follow the path to take the elevator.
Weapons area
After looting the treasure chest, head left & find another safe area on the right-hand side. From the safe area, take the ramp on the right side & take another right towards the big bang burger to find the okumura palace treasure.
Third infiltration
Continue up until you reach the door. Take out the shadows inside followed by activating the elevator. Grab the treasure & activate the platform to trigger another cutscene.
Shadow kunikazu okumura boss fight
For the first wave, make sure to use fire-based attacks. For the second & third waves, use wind-based and psi-based/agi-based attacks respectively! The blue lackeys can be dealt with, using fire-based attacks.
The golden ones are weak against psi-based attacks, the tall ones against nuclear-based, the red ones against nuclear-based, & the green ones against psi-based. Once you’re done with these, simply hit the boss to complete the palace.
This is all we’ve on our persona 5 okumura palace guide. If there’s anything else you’d like to add, let us know in the comments section below!
Persona 5 royal - P5 okumura palace overview and infiltration guide
Guide for okumura palace in persona 5
Start of okumura palace: monday, september 19
Deadline: monday, october 10
Recommended level: 40
Number of lockpicks required: at least 10
Okumura infiltration guide
Meeting haru and morgana
As the thieves enter the palace, they find themselves in the middle of some nexus-like area.
Approach the console in front of you. There, you’ll see another cut-scene. Press the button on the console.
After taking the elevator, you’ll reach the control room. Turn left and head down the hallway before making your way into the next room. Once you reach the next room, another cut-scene will play.
When the cut-scene finishes, follow the balcony all the way to the other door at the end of the hall. Next, head into the other room. There’s an item in the far northwest corner. Then, approach the floating blue disk in the middle for a little info. However, when you approach the door, another cut-scene ensues. You need some sort of password to open the door.
Make your way to the palace and a small cut-scene plays.
You’ll have to follow morgana down the train tracks. Keep running down the tracks until you see the track split into three directions. Choose the path heading right where you’ll find morgana. Approach the car as morgana nearly runs you over.
Chase after morgana again and run straight from the path you took. There, you’ll approach the intersection where you’ll find morgana toppled over. Approach the car and another cut-scene will play.
After the lengthy cut-scenes, you’ll now have the chance to start the palace infiltration.
Infiltration pt. 2
Head back to the console area where you can take the lift down as an elevator. Go down the elevator and take out the shadow, arahabaki. You can also negotiate with it to take on its power. Next, head to the left path and follow the balcony path. Take out the incoming shadows. One of them has decarabia and the other shadow has black ooze.
Next, head into the room at the end of the balcony. There’s a roving shadow with black ooze, so take it out. Grab the item at the northwest corner before heading out the door. Haru will help open the door, giving you a chance to enter. When the door does open, a cut-scene will play. Then, you’ll be made to fight an angry shadow.
Mini-boss: haru’s fiancee
The robot has two other robots accompanying it. You’ll have haru okumura in your party. The main big boss is weak against psy attacks. The two smaller shadows are weak against wind. Your best bet for party members is morgana for wind skills and any persona that has psy skills. That way, you can take full advantage of an all-out attack.
Destroy the smaller robots first as they are softer and weak against wind. They also have healing skills which can be a pain to deal with. After dealing with them, take down the big boss. You’ll be heavily reliant on haru for it. If she’s the only one with psy skills, abuse those and take advantage of all-out attacks.
After defeating the boss, another cut-scene will occur.
Second phase: making your way to the treasure
Facility passageway
Once you regain control, look to your right for a treasure chest. After that, approach the console or what appears as a big yellow dot on the map. Once the elevator goes down, another cut-scene plays.
First, head toward the door on the right. You’ll find another roving shadow which you can take out. When you’re done, make your way to the end of the hallway and you’ll see a shut door. Unfortunately, you can’t open it, but you can climb a ledge on your right. Use L1 to help you find the “!” to figure out a path.
Once you get through the vent, you’ll reach a path that runs in a circle. Run counter-clockwise for a better clue. Look for a shadow roving nearby. Climb and jump across platforms until you reach a terminal. After messing with the terminal, you will have a map of the palace.
When you’re done with that, hop onto the platform in front of you and follow the path before climbing the barrels. As you climb up the barrels, you’ll find a vent. Go through the vent and you will find yourself right behind the door that refused to open. You can open it for a shortcut. After you do so, make a right and you will find an elevator. Unfortunately, it won’t budge. Instead, head to the next room with the path to the right of the elevator. You’ll find yourself near another ledge and a new door. However, this door will need a card to open.
Return back to the elevator and a cut-scene will ensue. After the cut-scene ends, head inside the elevator to move on to the next floor.
When you reach the barracks, several robots will be going around. You’re going to have to find which one has the card. As such, this place may get a little messy and even somewhat annoying.
For the first part, run straight ahead into a room full of little blue robots. Sneak in and gather whatever information you can about grabbing the chief clerk’s ID. Next, head down to the intersection and make a left. Take out the shadow roving there and make a left through the long hallway. However, there’s a door with a tiny room on your right. Head in there for a safe room.
Once you’re done, head straight until you reach the end of the hallway. Take out the shadow roving around there before crossing to the other side. Continue until you reach another path. Both of the paths lead to robots who can possibly be the chief clerk. With the information on hand, turn right. Head to the far end of the hall until you confront the robot. Tell him you’re a bunch of salesmen and that you have sweets for him. With that, take him down.
The two smaller robots are weak to wind skills, so have morgana handle them. The main guy’s weak to fire so take him out with ann handle it. You’ll get the chief clerk’s ID when he finally goes down. More robots show up after. Don’t worry, you won’t have to deal with them yet. Leave the room where you found the ID before making a right at the first corner. You’ll reach another circular room. Go through the hall until you find a split path. One leads to a dead end and the other leads you to another room with a robot in it. There are actually two that are side-by-side on the map, but you only need the one that’s closest to you.
Head toward the closest “!” and defeat the robot for his ID. His mini-robots are weak to fire while he’s weak himself to wind. You get the section chief’s ID for defeating him and another shift change occurs. This time, you’ll finally draw out the chief director. Head out of the room and down to the south part of the map where you’ll see two “!”. If you’re looking at the map, head to the “!” nearest to the safe room. There, talk to him for a bit and ask him about the past to finally trigger a battle.
Mini boss fight: CEO robot with minions
The big boss is weak to psy skills while the small ones are weak to fire skills. Its est if you have morgana with you to easily perform a baton pass. However, watch out for your SP. You’ll need a lot of it later. After defeating him, you’ll get the chief director’s ID.
When you’re done, head down back to the barracks’ entrance.
Facility passageway
When you descend down the elevator, head back to the door that didn’t want to open the first time. Use the card and you’ll finally be able to use the lift to go up to the next area. Follow the way through until you reach two doors that lead you to the spaceport facility surroundings.
Spaceport facility surroundings
From the entrance, take the platform across to the landing. Be sure to save in the safe room before proceeding. After that, jump across the platforms across from the safe room. It’s relatively straight forward. Climb the ledges to get to the higher parts until you reach a point where you can either go up or down. Since the higher platform’s a dead end, head to the lower left platform.
You’ll reach a platform that leads to a long path. There’s a shadow guarding it, so take him out. There are small, round, floating shadows that you can also defeat for extra EXP. When you’re done, head through the door at the end of the path to continue to the next area.
Spaceport export line
When you enter the new area, head south. There’s another safe room to save in here. If you want the treasure chest, climb the ramp and then onto the pipes above. After that, proceed to the main area.
As soon as you get to the main area, proceed down the eastmost path. It’s toward the end and leads to another door. Suddenly, one of the assembly line machines breaks and blocks your path.
With that now blocking your path, head south and go down the walkway. Keep following it until you find a console with a blue flashing light on top. Using this allows you to change the machines’ speed. Crank it up to the max until the controls break. This then will break the machinery and form a bridge.
Make your way over the broken arm and head north until you spot a ramp. Head up it and into the room above to come across another console. Do the same as before and break the other arm. Head back down and you’ll see a new bridge at the bottom of the ramp. Cross it and use the console to break a third arm.
You can’t cross the arm right away. Head back up the ramp from before and go to the platform past the room with a console. Then, jump down from there and use the arm to reach the door.
Spaceport production line
Head up the path north and up a small ramp. Make your way toward the checkmark to find a new console. This will stop the machinery and let you pass through. However, the “lunch” and “break” options only stop the machines temporarily. Use the “lunch” option and you’ll have 30 seconds to move past previously moving machinery. Fighting doesn’t stop the clock, so try to avoid shadows as much as possible.
When you’re ready, set the console to lunch. Sprint down the ramp to your right and over to the blue machine presses. Quickly run toward them and head to the one closer to the console to the east. This takes you where you want to go, so don’t jump over the closer of the two. However, if you want to grab the chest there, there’s a console you can use.
When you get across, access the purple console to trigger the “lunch.” with that, the purple press stops across from the blue press. Once across, you don’t have to worry about the timer. If you want to head back, check the purple console near the door, but if you have nothing left to do, continue on.
Disposal line
Before anything, head southeast on the platform. There’s a safe room nearby.
When you’re done, head down to the lower part of the platform. There’s a console with a purple light on it. Interact with it just like before. Crank up the arm speed to break it and create a bridge you can cross. Head to the far west side and you’ll spot another console.
You can’t go there yet. Lasers will appear and block you if you try. Instead, use the console and set it to “lunch.” afterward, head back to the first landing you were on.
Ignore the console near where you land since it just stops the same blue press. Instead, keep on moving. Take down all the shadows in the area before starting to make your life easier. There’s a long stretch of running to do and you don’t want to get interrupted.
When you finish up, there’s a console with a blue light on the north side of the platform across from where you landed. Use it to make a bridge to cross to the next platform. Make sure to remember where the yellow press is.
When you’re done with that, head south across the arm and hit the yellow console. There’s a chest around the corner from it, though. Activate the yellow console and sprint across the arm before crossing over the yellow press. Then, approach the shadows for a fight.
Mini fight: golden corporobo MDL-CH
Since they’re weak to ice and psy, bring fox and noir. For the third member, bring in a healer with ann, makoto, or morgana. As long as you have mapsio and mabufu, you should be able to finish this fight easily with all-out attacks.
After defeating them, head through the door at the other side of the room. Take the lift and head into the next area.
Spaceport central factory
Follow the path. On your left, you’ll find a door leading to the safe room.
After saving in the safe room, head toward the window with the alpha sign on it. Interact with the window and it’ll suck you in before shooting you out the other side. When you land, grab the two items in the corners before crossing over to the elevator.
Transfer line
1st level
When you enter this area, head through the first and only airlock you find. Then, head through the east one. Ignore the nearby control panel to go through the east airlock. After that, activate the control panel in this room before heading through the eastern airlock moving you south.
Once you get there, activate the control panel to the east. Then, go west until you see two airlocks. Go through the one that leads into another room almost right next to it. You’ll spot three airlocks, but you only need the one in the middle. Activate the control panel in that room before heading back.
When you’re back in the previous room, head all the way east and activate the control panel again. Then, head through the airlock to the far west going north.
When you reach the next room, activate the control panel and head through the airlock on the west wall. This will move you into a small square room. After that, head through the northern airlock before using the elevator. Don’t forget to save up in the safe room.
2nd level
Once you enter the second level, head north. Then, head through the eastern airlock. When you get there, ignore the control panel there before going south to the eastern green airlock. However, once you go through it, it will disable itself and enable another airlock. Because of this, go through the north and then east airlocks in order.
When you’re done with that, head to the east end of the hallway. Go through the north airlock. Among the three, it’s the easternmost one. Go through the west airlock and head west after that. Here, use the control panel to switch open the airlocks before going through the south one.
Back in the long room you were in before, head through the center airlock and then through the east one and the north one after that.
After that, you’ll find yourself in the long room you were before. Head through the center airlock before heading through the east one. Follow it up with the north airlock after that. Because when you do so, you’ll find yourself in another room. Go through the north airlock directly across from where you landed. When you do so, ignore the control panel and instead head through the airlock on the south-west side.
Finally, head through the south-west airlock if you want to grab the chest. If you don’t want it, head through the northeast airlock. Then, head through the north airlock to activate the control panel. When you finish up with that, head back through the southwest airlock and down through the southwest. With that, you’ll move on to the next area.
Secret weaponry area
From the entrance, make a right to grab the treasure box. Follow the path down from the treasure box until you can make a left. You should find a door on your right leading to the safe room. From the safe room, take the ramp on your right. When you reach the end of the ramp, make another right and head straight toward the big bang burger for a cut-scene. With that, you will also find the okumura palace treasure!
Now all that’s left is to send him a notification.
Third phase: making the treasure appear
When you decide to send a notification, a whole cascade of events will happen. Assuming you did get all of the safe rooms, just teleport to the one that is nearest to the treasure. Head to where you found the treasure’s immaterial form and a cut-scene will play.
After the cut-scene, run up the ramp in the treasure room that was previously blocked. Follow the pathway all the way up until you reach the doors. Open the doors and head into the next room. Take out the shadow as to have fewer problems. Multiple shadows will appear, so you’ll have to eliminate them quickly if you want to get to the treasure. Keep following the pathway until you reach the elevator. Activate it to head up.
Once you’re up, run up to the ramp with a platform. If you have enough time, grab the treasure chest.
When you activate the platform, you’ll trigger another set of cut-scenes.
Okumura palace boss battle
Shadow kunikazu okumura, otherwise known as mammon, isn’t all that threatening. The real challenge here, however, is preserving your SP.
For a complete and detailed breakdown of stats, skills, and battle strategies against shadow okumura, read our boss guide:
so, let's see, what we have: persona 5 okumura palace guide to walk you through the palace, defeat the enemies in it, find loot, and defeat the boss at the end. At okumura palace locked chests
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