Casino heist scope out sewer tunnel
- Internal security cameras
- External security cameras
- Valet
- Keypad
- Guard
All casino to play real money online
GTA casino heist scope out: access points and how to start the mission
You’ll need to scope out the diamond casino before the heist, here’s where you’ll find the access points

Entering the GTA casino heist scope out mission? If you’ve purchased your arcade property and began plotting the heist in GTA, you may be ready to scope out the casino.
To begin the GTA casino heist scope out mission, you’ll need to select the mission from your planning board in your arcade basement. Lester wants you to go to the casino and take photographs of access points and points of interest, so you know what you’re dealing with. You won’t have to scope out the entire diamond casino, but you’ll need to meet a minimum requirement before your job there is done and you can always return to the casino to continue scoping out the joint later.
The GTA casino heist scope out mission has 11 access points, as well as various points of interest. Access points include doors and ways into the building and points of interest are security cameras or guards that could make it difficult for you when the actual heist takes place. Here’s where you’ll find the GTA casino heist scope out mission, as well as all the access points and points of interest in the diamond casino.
GTA casino heist access points
Here’s where you can find the location of GTA casino heist access points, there are several doors and access points that can be found in these locations. You can check out the video below to meet the minimum requirements for the GTA casino scope out mission.
- Main entrance: this access point is simply the front doors
- Side entrance: there are two doors that can be found on the side of the casino
- Roof: there are two access points here, one below the helipad and one through the door accessible from the casino elevator
- Sewer tunnel: this can be located past the racetrack, south of the canal by the river
- Security tunnel: this access point can be found behind the casino
- Roof terrace: there are four possible entrances here, which you can access by riding the elevator to the roof terrace
You’ll also want to head to agatha baker’s office and take a picture of the vault blueprints on her desk, make sure you get this and send to lester, he’ll be chuffed.

GTA casino points of interest
The GTA casino points of interest are:
- Internal security cameras
- External security cameras
- Valet
- Keypad
- Guard
That’s how to complete the GTA casino heist scope out mission, to get to the mission, here’s how to start the GTA casino heist, as well as all the cars we’ve found from the GTA casino heist so far and the GTA casino heist payout you can expect if you pull it off.
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GTA online: all access point locations in the diamond casino heist scope out mission
We show you how to scope out every access point to the diamond casino.
Guide by joel franey, guides writer
Updated on 16 december 2019
GTA online's newest update includes a grand casino heist, including the need to scope out access points within the casino itself. We've got them all listed here for you.
- How to start a scope out mission
- Where are the access points?
- Roof access point 1
- Roof access point 2
- Roof access point 3
- Roof access point 4
- Roof access point 5
- Roof access point 6
- Roof access point 7
- Rear access point 1
- Rear access point 2
- Tunnel access point
- Sewer access point
How to start a scope out mission
To begin scoping out the casino, head to the planning board in your arcade basement and interact with it. Then select the square at the top marked "scope out casino," and it will trigger a mission where you can go to the diamond casino and take photographs with your phone to send to lester, each one increasing the possibility approaches in your final heist.
Where are the access points?
There are 11 access points in total, with seven on the roof, two at ground level, and two more further away from the casino. We've numbered them to help keep track, but you can discover them in any order.
Roof access point 1
The first possible entrance is on the roof, accessible through the elevator inside the casino. This is the first of several next to the helipad.
Roof access point 2
The next access point is simple across from the previous one. Turn 180 degrees and you should see it.
Roof access point 3
The final helipad access point is across on the other side of the helipad. Walk over it and it should be there.
Roof access point 4
Another access point can be found on the roof garden, with the swimming pool on the right.
Roof access point 5
This is the trickiest one to find on the roof - head right when you come out of the elevator, through to a small side path with this door.
Roof access point 6
This is one of two access points at the back of the building, but still on the roof. Jump down from the helipad on the opposite side of the building from the gardens, and you should see this one.
Roof access point 7
The final roof access point is simply down the same wall from the previous one. Walk along until you see it.
Rear access point 1
This is one of two access points set into the building at ground level. Circle around to the back, near the horse track, until you see it.
Rear access point 2
This one is just a little further around the building than the previous one. Keep walking until you see it.
Tunnel access point
This one is further away, and easier to miss. Go beneath the tunnel that links the car park to the middle of the horse track. There should be a garage door. Photograph that to register it as an access point.
Sewer access point
The hardest one to find, go past the racetrack to the river, then south to the canal. There should be a tunnel. Go inside that for a while until you find this grated section.

Joel loves books, games, comics and drinks that make a person feel like they just got kicked in the head by a mule. He has a masters in writing from sussex, which he somehow got by writing about superman. He is absolutely NOT three children in a long coat, so please stop asking.
GTA online diamond casino heist setup guide: approaches, access points of interest, support crew
By james billcliffe, friday, 13 december 2019 17:24 GMT
The diamond casino heist is the biggest ever to hit GTA online, and requires drawing up meticulous setup plans to walk away with the maximum payout. Here’s a run-down of the setup board for the diamond casino heist in GTA online so you can beat the house.

There are multiple different preparation options for you to choose from at nearly every stage of setup for the diamond casino heist – from when you’re casing the joint to when you’re breaking into the vault.
The first time you successfully run the heist is free. But you’ll have to pay to play thereafter.
GTA online diamond casino heist set up
Setup: arcade equipment
Next head over to your new digs and a cutscene will play and you’ll be able to begin the first set up missions by walking over to the laptop in the empty arcade basement.
Interacting with the laptop launches the first setup mission – arcade equipment – where you track down some initial kit for your hideout.
Make your way to the post op depository and chase down the jacked truck. Take out the drivers and schlep back to your arcade.
On your return another cutscene plays where lester runs through the prospective plan in three parts: scope, prepping, score. He also briefly goes over the three ways that you can play the heist: stealthy, aggressive, or “the big con”.
First on your list is scoping out the casino for opportunities.
Scoping out the casino – scope every entrance and POI
These are all optional objectives that give you more options when you’re infiltrating the casino. Scoping is split into two missions, scope out the casino and scope out the vault contents.
You can scope all of the access points in scoping the casino, but you can only get the first six points of interest. The others are gathered from the separate scout “vault contents” mission.
These are the six access points to the diamond casino :
- Main door – at the front of the casino
- Side doors – take pictures of the keypad doors on the sides of the casino, there’s one on the back and left-hand side
- Roof terrace – four keypad doors, one next to the pool, one down the stairs behind the bar, two around the back jump off the ledge on the left-hand side of the pool and follow the path around
- Security tunnel – in the tunnel under the racetrack at the back of the casino, take a picture of the garage door
- Roof – take a picture of the two keypad doors either side of the helipad
- Sewer tunnel – across the street from the casino is a big storm drain, head down into the sewer here and take a picture of the grate.
Here’s a picture of the sewer grate you’re looking for:

These are all of the points of interest:
Main points of interest
- Security guard – stood next to the elevator by the front desk
- Keypad – on the casino floor, next to restricted access doors
- 1st security camera – found on the ceiling of the main casino rooms
- 2nd security camera – found on the roof and roof terrace
- Valet – out the front door of the casino
- Vault blueprints – on the desk in the management office (requires VIP membership, go through inside track towards the back of the casino and you’ll see the door down a side corridor).
Vault contents points of interest
To find these you need to move between the different camera views in the time allotted.
- Carpeted room – POI pops as soon as you switch to this view
- Metal detectors – in grey room
- Security office door – doors in the room with the grey stripe running down the middle
- Staff elevator – in the purple diamond casino room, pan to the two elevators on the right
- Blue door – in the corridor with the elevator and blue door, pan to the door on the left
Finding these allows you to buy extras from your set up board, letting you find access points easier, or practise the skills you’ll need on the inside.
- Casino model – $130,000 – highlights access points
- Door security – $425,000 – practise hacking doors
- Vault door – $900,000 – practise cracking vault
Diamond casino heist – should you choose aggressive, silent and sneaky, or the big con
Now that you’ve earmarked your possible points of entry, it’s time to choose your approach.

They’re pretty self explanatory: aggressive means you hit the casino hard and violently, silent relies on clandestine stealth, while the big con goes full ocean’s eleven with disguises and subterfuge.
All of the routes require a similar amount of prep, so choose whichever you like the look of most – you can always play the others later.
If you need more detail, here’s a rundown of each.
Aggressive heist approach
If you’re a fan of GTA online’s combat, then this is the approach for you. It involves fighting the casino security all the way through the building and using thermal charges to blow the vault open as well as the locked doors inside.
It has six mandatory set up missions, and seven optional with a further locked objective.
The six which you have to do are:
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Acquire hacking device
- Acquire vault keycards
- Get thermal charges
- Get vault explosives
The optional missions are:
- Scout patrol routes
- Disrupt duggan shipments
- Acquire security intel
- Get power drills
- Get security passes
- Acquire masks
- Find reinforced armor
The big con approach
In this approach you don a disguise to get inside the casino, then sneak your way to the vault, drill it open, then grab as much as you can carry and fight your way out.
This is probably the most changeable approach, because you can find different entrance disguises and your plan changes quite a lot based on your entry point.
Through optional setup missions you can plan multiple disguises to get you out of the casino as well.
This approach has six mandatory set up missions which are:
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Find a hacking device
- Acquire vault keycards
- Get your entry disguise
- Get vault drills
There are seven optional set ups, which include:
- Scout patrol routes
- Disrupt duggan shipments
- Acquire security intel
- Get power drills
- Get security passes
- Acquire masks
- Find an exit disguise
Silent and sneaky approach
This is probably the toughest of the three to pull off successfully. It involves sneaking into the building with silenced pistols without getting caught, before drilling open the vault with a laser and avoiding security cameras to ride off into the sunset.
As with the others, there are six setup missions you have to do, with eight optional ones.
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Acquire a hacking device
- Get vault keycards
- Acquire a nano drone
- Find vault laser
Your optional missions are the same as the big con, except that you can find an infiltration suit and steal an EMP instead of getting an exit disguise.
Once you’ve chosen your approach, it’s time to get to work. Remember you can pay to skip certain missions, but not all of them.
Completing all of the optional set up missions gives you the best chance of success, but is not 100% necessary. Their main purpose is to give you options for when things go sideways during the job – so if you’re unsure of your plan, make up for it by being prepared.
Which support crew should you choose for the diamond casino heist?
Your support crew for the diamond casino heist consists of a gunman, driver, and hacker.

These basically determine the difficulty level of the heist itself.
A better gunman will equip you with better weaponry.
While a better driver will get you better cars once you make a break for it.
Finally, a better hacker will give you more time in the vault without being detected.
Better support crews come at a higher cut of the total take, and some are more worth it than others. For instance, you’ll definitely want as much time in the vault as possible, so picking an expert hacker is an easy choice. But if you’re not planning on being detected, then top tier guns are a waste.
Take into account your overall approach and choose what fits your style.
GTA online diamond casino heist payout rewards
It’s what you’re here for after all. The total potential take in cash for one run of the diamond casino heist is $2,115,000.
However, you won’t get all of that. Lester takes a small cut, then your support crew all take their allotted piece. There are then optional extras you can buy to help take the heat off of you in the getaway.
Then you actually have to steal and make off with all the money. Any damage you take inside the casino also reduces your take as you drop notes. This means that the rough player take can be anywhere from $400,000 to $1,750,000.
According to @tezfunz2 on twitter, who’s a reliable source for GTA and RDR2 online updates, there are four possible random rewards for the heist in the game’s files – each with their own cap. Diamonds however are not yet available.
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GTA online: all access point locations in the diamond casino heist scope out mission
We show you how to scope out every access point to the diamond casino.
Guide by joel franey, guides writer
Updated on 16 december 2019
GTA online's newest update includes a grand casino heist, including the need to scope out access points within the casino itself. We've got them all listed here for you.
- How to start a scope out mission
- Where are the access points?
- Roof access point 1
- Roof access point 2
- Roof access point 3
- Roof access point 4
- Roof access point 5
- Roof access point 6
- Roof access point 7
- Rear access point 1
- Rear access point 2
- Tunnel access point
- Sewer access point
How to start a scope out mission
To begin scoping out the casino, head to the planning board in your arcade basement and interact with it. Then select the square at the top marked "scope out casino," and it will trigger a mission where you can go to the diamond casino and take photographs with your phone to send to lester, each one increasing the possibility approaches in your final heist.
Where are the access points?
There are 11 access points in total, with seven on the roof, two at ground level, and two more further away from the casino. We've numbered them to help keep track, but you can discover them in any order.
Roof access point 1
The first possible entrance is on the roof, accessible through the elevator inside the casino. This is the first of several next to the helipad.
Roof access point 2
The next access point is simple across from the previous one. Turn 180 degrees and you should see it.
Roof access point 3
The final helipad access point is across on the other side of the helipad. Walk over it and it should be there.
Roof access point 4
Another access point can be found on the roof garden, with the swimming pool on the right.
Roof access point 5
This is the trickiest one to find on the roof - head right when you come out of the elevator, through to a small side path with this door.
Roof access point 6
This is one of two access points at the back of the building, but still on the roof. Jump down from the helipad on the opposite side of the building from the gardens, and you should see this one.
Roof access point 7
The final roof access point is simply down the same wall from the previous one. Walk along until you see it.
Rear access point 1
This is one of two access points set into the building at ground level. Circle around to the back, near the horse track, until you see it.
Rear access point 2
This one is just a little further around the building than the previous one. Keep walking until you see it.
Tunnel access point
This one is further away, and easier to miss. Go beneath the tunnel that links the car park to the middle of the horse track. There should be a garage door. Photograph that to register it as an access point.
Sewer access point
The hardest one to find, go past the racetrack to the river, then south to the canal. There should be a tunnel. Go inside that for a while until you find this grated section.

Joel loves books, games, comics and drinks that make a person feel like they just got kicked in the head by a mule. He has a masters in writing from sussex, which he somehow got by writing about superman. He is absolutely NOT three children in a long coat, so please stop asking.
GTA V online guide: the diamond casino heist – scope out, walkthrough, trailer, missions, crew & everything else you need to know
Heists are the most beloved part of the online game modes, so let’s check out the latest online update!

GTA V online is one of the most played online modes of any video game, and they had a record-breaking week in early january.
Rockstar games has poured it’s heart and soul into the constant supply of updates that keep the game alive in the build-up to GTA 6.
Released just over a month ago, the diamond casino heist is one of the best instalments in what is now a long series of heists for online players.
Let’s take a look at the complete guide to everything you need to know about the latest heist in GTA V online!
NOW WATCH BELOW: the official trailer for the diamond casino heist

What is it?
This brand new heist addition to GTA V online is another one in the long-running saga of heists being added throughout the life span of GTA V online.
The latest one plays hand-in-hand with the diamond casino update rockstar games implemented sometime during july 2019.
Before this update, players were able to work with the staff, gamble, bet, buy penthouses and do whatever they would please in the casino, besides rob it.
But now, players will be able to directly rob the casino, as any good criminal would do!
How to complete the heist
With any heist in the GTA series, each one can be done in multiple varieties of ways and each has its own pros and cons.
We will go over the steps you are going to need to take if you choose a certain way of completing the heist as well as the points of entry you can take into the casino.
There are six points of entry into the casino and they are listed below:
- Main door
- Side door
- Roof terrace
- Security tunnel
- Sewer
- Roof
Which one will you choose? Next up we list the different approaches you can take to complete the heist.
Aggressive, big con or silent and sneaky?
There are three different ways to enter the casino heist – the first two, aggressive and silent and sneaky, are pretty self-explanatory. Big con will mean you are going to heist in disguise and sneak through the hotel.
The set-up missions for each are listed below and the optional missions as well:
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Acquire hacking device
- Acquire vault keycards
- Get thermal charges
- Get vault explosives
- Scout patrol routes
- Disrupt duggan shipments
- Acquire security intel
- Get power drills
- Get security passes
- Acquire masks
- Find reinforced armor
Silent and sneaky
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Acquire a hacking device
- Get vault keycards
- Acquire a nano drone
- Find vault laser
Big con
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Find a hacking device
- Acquire vault keycards
- Get your entry disguise
- Get vault drills
- Scout patrol routes
- Disrupt duggan shipments
- Acquire security intel
- Get power drills
- Get security passes
- Acquire masks
- Find an exit disguise
Your crew
Of course, you cannot do a heist all by yourself so you are going to need a crew to help you rob the casino.
During this heist, your crew will consist of a gunman, driver, and hacker. The latter is one of the most important roles for this heist, as the higher the skill of the hacker the more time you are going to have within the vault which equals more money.
The more skilled your crew is the bigger the cuts they are going to demand and in turn, will lead to less payout for yourself, so choose wisely.
GTA 5 - the diamond casino heist guide (GTA online)

First board - scoping out

Scoping out the casino
to unlock all different options, take a photo and send it to lester. If you take a picture of an A.P (access point) or an P.O.I (point of interest), the option to send it to lester will appear.
Access points
these points are seen in the casino model (if bought). The first board will be kept once the heist is completed.

points of interest
casino scope:
- Guards
- Indoor-cams
- Outdoor-cams
- Keypads
- Valet
vault scope:
- Security room
- Lobby
- Staff elevator
- Metal detector
- Elevator (out of order)

Possible targets

all extras are kept once bought.

- Casino model (130.000$)
- Door security (425.000$)
- Vault door (900.000$)
(take a photo of the blueprints inside the office of the casino).
Second board - prep work
Crew choices
karl abolaji
skill: poor; cut: 5%
Charlie reed
skill: good, cut: 7%
weapons: smgs and shotguns
Gustave mota
skill: expert; cut: 9%
Chester mocoy
skill: expert; cut: 10%
karim denz
skill: poor; cut: 5%
Zach nelson
skill: good, cut: 6%
Talina martinez
skill: good; cut: 7%
cars: retinue MK2, drift yosemite, sugoi, jugular
Eddie toh
skill: expert; cut: 9%
Chester mocoy
skill: expert; cut: 10%
rickie lukens:
skill: poor; cut: 3%
Yohan blair
skill: good; cut: 5%
Christian feltz
skill: good; cut: 7%
Paige harris
skill: expert; cut: 9%
General prep works
Hacking device
get a FIB-pass from a corrupt agent, enter the FIB building and.
Patrol routes
go to a meeting of the duggan security guys, eliminate them and search for the right car. Once found, open the trunk, take a photo of the documents and send them to lester.
Duggan shipments
like a freeroam job. You have to destroy 10 shipments of these shipments, spread all over the map. Best use a helicopter for that.
Security intel
help poor vincent, who is now a mall security guy. The intel will be done in every heist when completed once.
Power drills
go to a construction site that is marked and collect either a vehicle with the drills or the drills alone. One person can carry two drills. A disguise is sometimes available.
Security pass
- Level 1: acquired from a cleaning woman.
- Level 2: acquired from a croupier.
We had to crash a drug-party and find the croupier to search him for his pass.
Specific prep - silent & sneaky
You have to drive round the city and shoot down drones used by the LSPD. Then just collect the dropped parts.
Go out to the desert, fight some (OP) army guys and search for the lasers. They look like this:

EMP device
go to LSIA and steal a cargobob. Then fly to the university, lift the EMP out (it is right on the open filed) and fly it to the substation of LS water and power right across the casino.

Infilitration suits
go out to human labs and kill the guards in your way (the alarm will trigger as soon as you enter) bags are in the rear (where you have to par the insurgent in the human labs heist). Bags look like this:

Specific prep - the big con
Specific prep - aggressive
Thermal charges
acquire thermal charges to blow up vault door. We had to go out to sandy shores and crash a hillbilly party.
Vault explosives
we had to go out to paleto bay and recover the explosive from a sunken airplane, guarded by merryweather. Grab scuba gear and dive out to find it.

Third board - heist
Your personal weapon arsenal can be collected in either laundry or waste disposal
Silent and sneaky
Take out the electric stuff with your stun gun
Kill the guards right away, DO NOT STUN THEM! Guards with a helmet can't be killed right away. You can kill them with your knife.
- We went in through waste disposal, disabling the first metal detector, in the area behint it.
- After that we opened up the guard rooms and killed the guards.
- In the elevator bay, there is a button in the middle of the security room, right by the window, that opens the door of a small vault. There is the daily income in there, that you can steal. Press the button, let one guy go in, close the door and wait until he has emptied the vault. The vault can be opened from the inside.
We waited for the elevator guard to pass and opened up the stairs access.
The big con
- Entrance: security tunnel
- Entry disguise: gruppe sechs
- Exit: waste disposal
- Exit disguise: firefighters
buyer: high level (is further away, but you get more money)
First: get into the gruppe sechs van and drive to the casino, to the security tunnel. You are being let in and have to drive down the tunnel, where your credentials are being checked and you are able to park the van.
Then, go down to the vault area, proceed through the manhole. To go through, you have to swipe two keycards at the (roughly) same time (time-window is roughly 4 seconds) and then just go down the winding tunnel.
Then you have a short cutscene, one knocks out the guard who opens the door and then you have to start heisting.
- All GTA 5 guides!
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