Scope out casino sewer tunnel
The GTA casino points of interest are:
- Main entrance: this access point is simply the front doors
- Side entrance: there are two doors that can be found on the side of the casino
- Roof: there are two access points here, one below the helipad and one through the door accessible from the casino elevator
- Sewer tunnel: this can be located past the racetrack, south of the canal by the river
- Security tunnel: this access point can be found behind the casino
- Roof terrace: there are four possible entrances here, which you can access by riding the elevator to the roof terrace
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GTA casino heist scope out: access points and how to start the mission
You’ll need to scope out the diamond casino before the heist, here’s where you’ll find the access points

Entering the GTA casino heist scope out mission? If you’ve purchased your arcade property and began plotting the heist in GTA, you may be ready to scope out the casino.
To begin the GTA casino heist scope out mission, you’ll need to select the mission from your planning board in your arcade basement. Lester wants you to go to the casino and take photographs of access points and points of interest, so you know what you’re dealing with. You won’t have to scope out the entire diamond casino, but you’ll need to meet a minimum requirement before your job there is done and you can always return to the casino to continue scoping out the joint later.
The GTA casino heist scope out mission has 11 access points, as well as various points of interest. Access points include doors and ways into the building and points of interest are security cameras or guards that could make it difficult for you when the actual heist takes place. Here’s where you’ll find the GTA casino heist scope out mission, as well as all the access points and points of interest in the diamond casino.
GTA casino heist access points
Here’s where you can find the location of GTA casino heist access points, there are several doors and access points that can be found in these locations. You can check out the video below to meet the minimum requirements for the GTA casino scope out mission.
- Main entrance: this access point is simply the front doors
- Side entrance: there are two doors that can be found on the side of the casino
- Roof: there are two access points here, one below the helipad and one through the door accessible from the casino elevator
- Sewer tunnel: this can be located past the racetrack, south of the canal by the river
- Security tunnel: this access point can be found behind the casino
- Roof terrace: there are four possible entrances here, which you can access by riding the elevator to the roof terrace
You’ll also want to head to agatha baker’s office and take a picture of the vault blueprints on her desk, make sure you get this and send to lester, he’ll be chuffed.

GTA casino points of interest
The GTA casino points of interest are:
- Internal security cameras
- External security cameras
- Valet
- Keypad
- Guard
That’s how to complete the GTA casino heist scope out mission, to get to the mission, here’s how to start the GTA casino heist, as well as all the cars we’ve found from the GTA casino heist so far and the GTA casino heist payout you can expect if you pull it off.
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GTA online: all access point locations in the diamond casino heist scope out mission
We show you how to scope out every access point to the diamond casino.
Guide by joel franey, guides writer
Updated on 16 december 2019
GTA online's newest update includes a grand casino heist, including the need to scope out access points within the casino itself. We've got them all listed here for you.
- How to start a scope out mission
- Where are the access points?
- Roof access point 1
- Roof access point 2
- Roof access point 3
- Roof access point 4
- Roof access point 5
- Roof access point 6
- Roof access point 7
- Rear access point 1
- Rear access point 2
- Tunnel access point
- Sewer access point
How to start a scope out mission
To begin scoping out the casino, head to the planning board in your arcade basement and interact with it. Then select the square at the top marked "scope out casino," and it will trigger a mission where you can go to the diamond casino and take photographs with your phone to send to lester, each one increasing the possibility approaches in your final heist.
Where are the access points?
There are 11 access points in total, with seven on the roof, two at ground level, and two more further away from the casino. We've numbered them to help keep track, but you can discover them in any order.
Roof access point 1
The first possible entrance is on the roof, accessible through the elevator inside the casino. This is the first of several next to the helipad.
Roof access point 2
The next access point is simple across from the previous one. Turn 180 degrees and you should see it.
Roof access point 3
The final helipad access point is across on the other side of the helipad. Walk over it and it should be there.
Roof access point 4
Another access point can be found on the roof garden, with the swimming pool on the right.
Roof access point 5
This is the trickiest one to find on the roof - head right when you come out of the elevator, through to a small side path with this door.
Roof access point 6
This is one of two access points at the back of the building, but still on the roof. Jump down from the helipad on the opposite side of the building from the gardens, and you should see this one.
Roof access point 7
The final roof access point is simply down the same wall from the previous one. Walk along until you see it.
Rear access point 1
This is one of two access points set into the building at ground level. Circle around to the back, near the horse track, until you see it.
Rear access point 2
This one is just a little further around the building than the previous one. Keep walking until you see it.
Tunnel access point
This one is further away, and easier to miss. Go beneath the tunnel that links the car park to the middle of the horse track. There should be a garage door. Photograph that to register it as an access point.
Sewer access point
The hardest one to find, go past the racetrack to the river, then south to the canal. There should be a tunnel. Go inside that for a while until you find this grated section.

Joel loves books, games, comics and drinks that make a person feel like they just got kicked in the head by a mule. He has a masters in writing from sussex, which he somehow got by writing about superman. He is absolutely NOT three children in a long coat, so please stop asking.
GTA online diamond casino heist setup guide: approaches, access points of interest, support crew
By james billcliffe, friday, 13 december 2019 17:24 GMT
The diamond casino heist is the biggest ever to hit GTA online, and requires drawing up meticulous setup plans to walk away with the maximum payout. Here’s a run-down of the setup board for the diamond casino heist in GTA online so you can beat the house.

There are multiple different preparation options for you to choose from at nearly every stage of setup for the diamond casino heist – from when you’re casing the joint to when you’re breaking into the vault.
The first time you successfully run the heist is free. But you’ll have to pay to play thereafter.
GTA online diamond casino heist set up
Setup: arcade equipment
Next head over to your new digs and a cutscene will play and you’ll be able to begin the first set up missions by walking over to the laptop in the empty arcade basement.
Interacting with the laptop launches the first setup mission – arcade equipment – where you track down some initial kit for your hideout.
Make your way to the post op depository and chase down the jacked truck. Take out the drivers and schlep back to your arcade.
On your return another cutscene plays where lester runs through the prospective plan in three parts: scope, prepping, score. He also briefly goes over the three ways that you can play the heist: stealthy, aggressive, or “the big con”.
First on your list is scoping out the casino for opportunities.
Scoping out the casino – scope every entrance and POI
These are all optional objectives that give you more options when you’re infiltrating the casino. Scoping is split into two missions, scope out the casino and scope out the vault contents.
You can scope all of the access points in scoping the casino, but you can only get the first six points of interest. The others are gathered from the separate scout “vault contents” mission.
These are the six access points to the diamond casino :
- Main door – at the front of the casino
- Side doors – take pictures of the keypad doors on the sides of the casino, there’s one on the back and left-hand side
- Roof terrace – four keypad doors, one next to the pool, one down the stairs behind the bar, two around the back jump off the ledge on the left-hand side of the pool and follow the path around
- Security tunnel – in the tunnel under the racetrack at the back of the casino, take a picture of the garage door
- Roof – take a picture of the two keypad doors either side of the helipad
- Sewer tunnel – across the street from the casino is a big storm drain, head down into the sewer here and take a picture of the grate.
Here’s a picture of the sewer grate you’re looking for:

These are all of the points of interest:
Main points of interest
- Security guard – stood next to the elevator by the front desk
- Keypad – on the casino floor, next to restricted access doors
- 1st security camera – found on the ceiling of the main casino rooms
- 2nd security camera – found on the roof and roof terrace
- Valet – out the front door of the casino
- Vault blueprints – on the desk in the management office (requires VIP membership, go through inside track towards the back of the casino and you’ll see the door down a side corridor).
Vault contents points of interest
To find these you need to move between the different camera views in the time allotted.
- Carpeted room – POI pops as soon as you switch to this view
- Metal detectors – in grey room
- Security office door – doors in the room with the grey stripe running down the middle
- Staff elevator – in the purple diamond casino room, pan to the two elevators on the right
- Blue door – in the corridor with the elevator and blue door, pan to the door on the left
Finding these allows you to buy extras from your set up board, letting you find access points easier, or practise the skills you’ll need on the inside.
- Casino model – $130,000 – highlights access points
- Door security – $425,000 – practise hacking doors
- Vault door – $900,000 – practise cracking vault
Diamond casino heist – should you choose aggressive, silent and sneaky, or the big con
Now that you’ve earmarked your possible points of entry, it’s time to choose your approach.

They’re pretty self explanatory: aggressive means you hit the casino hard and violently, silent relies on clandestine stealth, while the big con goes full ocean’s eleven with disguises and subterfuge.
All of the routes require a similar amount of prep, so choose whichever you like the look of most – you can always play the others later.
If you need more detail, here’s a rundown of each.
Aggressive heist approach
If you’re a fan of GTA online’s combat, then this is the approach for you. It involves fighting the casino security all the way through the building and using thermal charges to blow the vault open as well as the locked doors inside.
It has six mandatory set up missions, and seven optional with a further locked objective.
The six which you have to do are:
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Acquire hacking device
- Acquire vault keycards
- Get thermal charges
- Get vault explosives
The optional missions are:
- Scout patrol routes
- Disrupt duggan shipments
- Acquire security intel
- Get power drills
- Get security passes
- Acquire masks
- Find reinforced armor
The big con approach
In this approach you don a disguise to get inside the casino, then sneak your way to the vault, drill it open, then grab as much as you can carry and fight your way out.
This is probably the most changeable approach, because you can find different entrance disguises and your plan changes quite a lot based on your entry point.
Through optional setup missions you can plan multiple disguises to get you out of the casino as well.
This approach has six mandatory set up missions which are:
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Find a hacking device
- Acquire vault keycards
- Get your entry disguise
- Get vault drills
There are seven optional set ups, which include:
- Scout patrol routes
- Disrupt duggan shipments
- Acquire security intel
- Get power drills
- Get security passes
- Acquire masks
- Find an exit disguise
Silent and sneaky approach
This is probably the toughest of the three to pull off successfully. It involves sneaking into the building with silenced pistols without getting caught, before drilling open the vault with a laser and avoiding security cameras to ride off into the sunset.
As with the others, there are six setup missions you have to do, with eight optional ones.
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Acquire a hacking device
- Get vault keycards
- Acquire a nano drone
- Find vault laser
Your optional missions are the same as the big con, except that you can find an infiltration suit and steal an EMP instead of getting an exit disguise.
Once you’ve chosen your approach, it’s time to get to work. Remember you can pay to skip certain missions, but not all of them.
Completing all of the optional set up missions gives you the best chance of success, but is not 100% necessary. Their main purpose is to give you options for when things go sideways during the job – so if you’re unsure of your plan, make up for it by being prepared.
Which support crew should you choose for the diamond casino heist?
Your support crew for the diamond casino heist consists of a gunman, driver, and hacker.

These basically determine the difficulty level of the heist itself.
A better gunman will equip you with better weaponry.
While a better driver will get you better cars once you make a break for it.
Finally, a better hacker will give you more time in the vault without being detected.
Better support crews come at a higher cut of the total take, and some are more worth it than others. For instance, you’ll definitely want as much time in the vault as possible, so picking an expert hacker is an easy choice. But if you’re not planning on being detected, then top tier guns are a waste.
Take into account your overall approach and choose what fits your style.
GTA online diamond casino heist payout rewards
It’s what you’re here for after all. The total potential take in cash for one run of the diamond casino heist is $2,115,000.
However, you won’t get all of that. Lester takes a small cut, then your support crew all take their allotted piece. There are then optional extras you can buy to help take the heat off of you in the getaway.
Then you actually have to steal and make off with all the money. Any damage you take inside the casino also reduces your take as you drop notes. This means that the rough player take can be anywhere from $400,000 to $1,750,000.
According to @tezfunz2 on twitter, who’s a reliable source for GTA and RDR2 online updates, there are four possible random rewards for the heist in the game’s files – each with their own cap. Diamonds however are not yet available.
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GTA V online guide: the diamond casino heist – scope out, walkthrough, trailer, missions, crew & everything else you need to know
Heists are the most beloved part of the online game modes, so let’s check out the latest online update!

GTA V online is one of the most played online modes of any video game, and they had a record-breaking week in early january.
Rockstar games has poured it’s heart and soul into the constant supply of updates that keep the game alive in the build-up to GTA 6.
Released just over a month ago, the diamond casino heist is one of the best instalments in what is now a long series of heists for online players.
Let’s take a look at the complete guide to everything you need to know about the latest heist in GTA V online!
NOW WATCH BELOW: the official trailer for the diamond casino heist

What is it?
This brand new heist addition to GTA V online is another one in the long-running saga of heists being added throughout the life span of GTA V online.
The latest one plays hand-in-hand with the diamond casino update rockstar games implemented sometime during july 2019.
Before this update, players were able to work with the staff, gamble, bet, buy penthouses and do whatever they would please in the casino, besides rob it.
But now, players will be able to directly rob the casino, as any good criminal would do!
How to complete the heist
With any heist in the GTA series, each one can be done in multiple varieties of ways and each has its own pros and cons.
We will go over the steps you are going to need to take if you choose a certain way of completing the heist as well as the points of entry you can take into the casino.
There are six points of entry into the casino and they are listed below:
- Main door
- Side door
- Roof terrace
- Security tunnel
- Sewer
- Roof
Which one will you choose? Next up we list the different approaches you can take to complete the heist.
Aggressive, big con or silent and sneaky?
There are three different ways to enter the casino heist – the first two, aggressive and silent and sneaky, are pretty self-explanatory. Big con will mean you are going to heist in disguise and sneak through the hotel.
The set-up missions for each are listed below and the optional missions as well:
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Acquire hacking device
- Acquire vault keycards
- Get thermal charges
- Get vault explosives
- Scout patrol routes
- Disrupt duggan shipments
- Acquire security intel
- Get power drills
- Get security passes
- Acquire masks
- Find reinforced armor
Silent and sneaky
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Acquire a hacking device
- Get vault keycards
- Acquire a nano drone
- Find vault laser
Big con
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Find a hacking device
- Acquire vault keycards
- Get your entry disguise
- Get vault drills
- Scout patrol routes
- Disrupt duggan shipments
- Acquire security intel
- Get power drills
- Get security passes
- Acquire masks
- Find an exit disguise
Your crew
Of course, you cannot do a heist all by yourself so you are going to need a crew to help you rob the casino.
During this heist, your crew will consist of a gunman, driver, and hacker. The latter is one of the most important roles for this heist, as the higher the skill of the hacker the more time you are going to have within the vault which equals more money.
The more skilled your crew is the bigger the cuts they are going to demand and in turn, will lead to less payout for yourself, so choose wisely.
Diamond casino heist - aggressive approach full guide

This guide is a complete walkthrough of the aggressive approach to the diamond casino heist. Our big con approach guide is here and our silent & sneaky guide is here. Make sure you also check out how to unlock the elite hacker avi schwartzman for more time in the vault, our payout/take guide, and also the POI and access point guide.
The 'aggressive' approach is probably the most fun out of the three different approaches (the two others being the the big con and silent & sneaky) that the casino heist DLC update offers you. The aggressive approach, as the name suggests, is pretty straightforward. You go in guns blazing without regard for any stealth. You do not need to worry about the cameras or the guards and simply fight your way in and out. This guide will give you an overview of the whole approach showing you the best setup.
Heist prep missions
Let's take a look at all the important prep missions that need to be completed for this approach and how to do them. These prep missions can be completed either solo or with a friend and can be done in either a public or solo session. Although it is possible to complete the prep missions alone, we recommend that you enlist the help of a friend.
Support crew
For a gunman, players would normally go for an expert level gunman here, seeing as the approach is aggressive and requires a lot of combat during the heist. However, that is completely wrong. Do not get baited!
Instead, you can still go for KARL ABOLAJI, who takes only 5% cut. You can also choose the loadout you prefer, either the shotgun or revolver one (although we prefer the shotgun). It won't matter as you will get the SMG with both of them. And you will mostly be using the SMG with the aggressive approach.
If you choose a shotgun loadout then it will be beneficial in close range combat situations. In our opinion the revolver is not worth it as the fire rate isn't too good given the combat nature of the heist. So you should choose the shotgun loadout which will give you a shotgun and SMG to carry out the heist finale.

If it was up to us, we wouldn't hire any driver at all since we won't be using the getaway vehicle. Because it is mandatory to choose the getaway driver you can go with the lowest possible driver available to hire which is KARIM DENZ, who takes only 5% of the final cut.
Go with the SULTAN CLASSIC if you do decide to choose the getaway vehicle for your escape. We are not saying you do not need to choose the vehicle at all, but if the vehicle is in a good spot, such as in a parking lot next to the sewer tunnel entrance, then by all means go for the vehicles. Otherwise just get a pedestrian car for your escape. More on that later in this guide.

The hacker always plays the most important role in the diamond casino heist. They decides the total time you get in the vault before the alarm goes off. Therefore, we recommend you spend all you have on the hacker and do not hold back. You should choose the elite hacker AVI SCHWARTZMAN if you've unlocked him already. If you haven't unlocked AVI then check out our guide here. Avi takes 10% of the final cut and he provides you with 3 minutes and 30 seconds in the vault.
The default expert hacker you have is PAIGE HARRIS who takes 9% from the final cut and gives you 3 minutes and 15 seconds. So if you do not want to go through the work of unlocking avi just choose paige. However, unlocking avi is totally worth the effort.

Hacking device
The hacking device mission can be in two different locations. One will require you to get the hacking device from the FIB building while the other will require you to get it from N.O.O.S.E headquarters.
N.O.O.S.E headquarter's mission
If you get the N.O.O.S.E headquarters mission, then you will be directed to go to davis city hall, take out the corrupt agent, take his keycard and head to the N.O.O.S.E headquarters. Once you reach the HQ, make sure you park your car right outside the entrance of the facility you'll be heading in, since right after you exit out of the facility with the hacking device, you will get a 3 stars wanted level and need a vehicle to get away from the cops.
You need to find the hacking device using your phone, based on the signal strength at the bottom right screen. The closer you get to the device, the stronger the signal gets. It is pretty simple, just avoid the sight of the guards and walk silently and you should be good to go. You can use suppressed weapons to take out guards and security cameras provided that other guards don't see you doing so or find the body of a guard you take out.
FIB building mission
Before heading to the FIB building, you will need to take out some agents and get the FIB agent pass in order to successfuly enter the building by impersonating an agent. You will be asked to go to a specific location and kill the agents, get the FIB pass, lose the cops and after that, head to FIB building. Make sure that, just like for the N.O.O.S.E headquarters mission, you park your car right in front of the entrance as you will need to quickly get away from the building. Cops will be on you right away.
Enter the building and avoid the cones of vision as much as possible, since staying in them for too long will cause the guards and agents to recognize you. Take the elevator to the upper floor, bring your phone out and find the hacking device using the signal strength bar, the same way you did when in N.O.O.S.E headquarters.
Once you have acquired the hacking device, head back outside the same way you came in from. But note that as soon as you reach the exit, the agents will recognize you and start shooting, so make sure you have some snacks and armor. Quickly exit the building and get into your vehicle which you parked right in front of the entrance earlier, lose the cops and deliver the hacking device back to the arcade.
General prep work
General prep missions that you need to beside the mandatory ones (vault keycards) include doing the duggan shipment mission. You can pretty much skip the rest of the general prep missions though.
Patrol routes is a debatable general prep mission. This one is completely up to you, but we recommend you complete it as well. Completing the patrol routes prep mission allows you to see the location of the guards on your mini map during the finale. Some can argue that we do not need this since we will be going all in guns blazing. But in any case, knowing your enemies location isn't harmful in any way whatsoever. As we said, the choice is completely up to you. You can either skip this mission or do it for your own ease.
You can skip the power drills and security intel general prep missions as well.
Vault keycards
There are two possible missions that can be given to you to acquire the vault keycards. In one of the missions you need to hijack a prison bus and head to the prison impersonating a prison guard. While inside, you go to one of the towers, silently take out the guard situated at one of the towers and acquire the vault keycards. The second mission requires you to travel to two different locations, take the guards out and take the vault keycards. One guard will be drunk on the street while the other will beв in a motel room. Just make sure that when you are taking them out, you use a suppressed weapon or kill them using a melee weapon to avoid cops.
Getting the vault keycards from prison is the easiest prep mission. All you need to do is hijack a prisoner bus, head to the prison disguised as a guard and infiltrate one of the towers in the prison. Once you head inside the marked tower, you will come across a guard, just take out the guard silently and search his body for the keycards. After you've acquired the keycards, you can leave the prison the same way you came in, using the bus, and you are done.
You can also go to the prison without hijacking the prison bus, which makes it ten times faster but is also ten times dangerous. Since you won't have a prison guard disguise, as soon as you enter the prison premises, you will get wanted level and the prison guards are alerted. You can still take out the guard at the tower, but you need to be super quick about it since the snipers situated at the prison are extremely strong and will destroy you, sometimes even one-shotting you.
If you have an oppressor mark II, it will make doing this method a tad bit easier. However, the snipers are still very strong and can destroy you either way. We do not recommend this method unless you're confident you can do it.
Duggan shipments
While the 'duggan shipments' general prep mission doesn't hold that much importance in both the big con and silent & sneaky approaches, it holds immense importance in the aggressive approach.
You may consider it as one of the mandatory prep missions due to how important it is for this approach. In this mission you need to destroy 10 shipments spread throughout the map. They are all far away from one another and it is best to have a friend with you and divide the areas you guys will cover. Going solo is possible but it is really tough to actually pull it off due to the fact that you get only 10 minutes and there are 10 shipments. Having said that, if you manage to destroy all 10 shipments, the guards during the finale will be extremely weak. Their armor will be super low and their aim will be really bad, along with their health. Just a couple of hits and they will go down.
This mission holds significant importance for this aggressive approach due to the fact that the whole approach is based around you being engaged in combat throughout your finale of the heist. You will be shooting the enemies to go in and then later get out. So it is best to make your life easier by weakening them first.
TIP: of course we recommend you do this mission with at least one friend. But if you want to do this solo then use either a buzzard or an oppressor mark II. Please note that if you're using an oppressor mark II, then you are limited to only 20 rockets. So you need to try and limit your shots. 1 rocket should be used to destroy 1 shipment. Especially when you come across shipments in the helicopter which are protected by an accompanying helicopter. You need to make sure your oppressor is locking onto the helicopter carrying the shipment. You can identify the shipment helicopter by looking at the mini map, it will be represented by a red cross hair just like the rest of the shipments.
Another important tip regarding the oppressor mark II is that its maximum speed on land is 130 km/h, while in air it is 109 km/h. So whenever you are going towards your shipment make sure you spend as much time on land as possible in order to reach the shipments faster. This is very important if you want to complete the mission within the given time limit. Even if you're on the water surface, it will be considered as "on land" and you will get the maximum 130 km/h speed. Make sure you make use of that.
Some people prefer the hydra as it can cover distances quite fast. The hydra is pretty good, but only if you have reasonable command of the cannons on the plane. If you cannot use the cannons effectively, it is useless. The homing rockets on the hydra are not as effective as the ones on oppressor mark II or buzzard. The homing rockets on the hydra miss the target most of the time.
Patrol routes (optional)
Doing the patrols routes mission is completely up to you. Doing it will help you during the finale as it will show the position of the guards on your mini map. However, this is most useful in the big con approach and silent & sneaky approach. In the aggressive approach you are going in a pure combat situation, eliminating whoever comes in your way and making the positions of the guards irrelevant.
Still, if you want to be on the safe side, you can always carry out this mission. In it, you need to find a specific car and take a photo of the contents of the trunk. The mission location is always different, but the cars are always the same, so you can never mistake the car for any other once you've identified it. There are two possible cars you can get - it can either be a gray colored car or a black colored car. You can either sneak your way to the vehicle or just kill all the guards and then approach it - it is completely up to you. Just make sure when you are going in killing everyone, not to accidentally blow up the target car!
You will see that, for this particular location, there is a black car (circled in green) right next to the gray car (circled in red). So when you arrive at the location, it can be either one of these (and the same goes for other locations as well). You will always get either a gray colored car or a black colored car. The best part is that the mar model will be the exact same in all the locations, so once you've identified it, you'll know exactly what you're looking for during your next run.

Security pass
You need to acquire a level 2 security pass for the heist so that you can escape easily after looting the vault, since you won't be able to go back out the way you enter from. Going in is easy but going out will be challenging.В there are two different types of missions you can be given to get the required security pass. One requires you to go to a pool party and get the card from the croupier. The other requires you to get it off of a dead valet's body while you impersonate a coroner officer.
Croupier / party method
For the first type of mission you will be instructed to go to a pool party. Once you reach the party a suspicion bar, at the bottom right corner of your screen, will become visible. It will gradually increase if you become more noticeable and attract attention, however, you need to blend in and make sure it doesn't rise. You can do different activities such as drinking and dancing to keep the suspicion bar low. Once lester has identified the target you need to find and search for the keycard on them. They will be passed out and once you search for the keycard you'll discover it's not actually on them. However, it should be laying around somewhere in the area. You need to search for the keycard around the area.
TIP: your suspicion will still increase slightly, but the best way to keep it low is to go to your interaction menu, set your action to dance, and turn it on permanently. This way you can walk around and search for the card while making sure the suspicion bar is not increasing.
Coroner method
If you get the coroner mission you will need to go to the church and steal a hearse. Once you do so, the cops will instantly be on you. After losing them head to the coroner's office. You will automatically equip the coroner officer's clothes. Enter the office and proceed to the morgue. Avoid the cops' cones of visions inside the office as much as you can. Once you reach the morgue, search the valet's body and get the keycard. Just ensure that no one is watching you while you do so. After that head back the same way you came in, while avoiding the cops. Leave the area to successfully complete the prep mission.
Approach specific preps
You need to do all the approach specific prep missions along with the mandatory prep missions of course. You can skip one mission, however, which is the reinforced armor mission. If you're already an experienced player, then there's no need to waste your energy on this mission as you will already have maximum health and armor at this point. But if you are a low level player then by all means go for it.
Let's take a lot at the rest of the approach specific missions that you will need to carry out for this.
Thermal charges
Getting thermal charges is pretty simple and straightforward. All you need to do is go to a specific location as directed by the game, take out the agents and get the thermal charges from the warehouse. Note that there will be quite a lot of agents so you need to be prepared with snacks and armor in order to easily fight them all. Once you take out the agents you can look for the thermal charges. They will be in a wooden crate. Grab the thermal charges and leave the warehouse delivering the charges back to the arcade.
The mission is fairly simple and easy, however we recommend you have another friend with you as doing it solo will require you to return back to the warehouse to carry the second crate of thermal charges back to the arcade.
Vault explosives
This prep mission is the toughest to carry out if you're doing it solo so we recommend getting a friend. You can totally do it solo, but it will take a very long time to be completed. This mission requires you to go to alamo sea and search the plane wreckage for vault explosives. However, the area will be crawling with merryweather soldiers. There will be several at the little pier of alamo sea where you can also find scuba diving gear to put on, in order to search the wreckage, and there will be two helicopters along with some boats at the wreckage site as well. Getting the scuba gear is not mandatory though.
Before starting this mission get some rebreathers from ammu-nation and put them on prior to starting the mission or else you won't be able to put them on. Head over to the site and take out all the guards, then dive in to search for the vault explosives. Once you get the explosives you will need to head back to the arcade to deliver it. Now, if you're doing it solo then you will need to come back and get the second crate as well. Every time you come back, you will see the merryweather helicopters respawning over the wreckage site and you will need to take them out every time. Also, when you grab the crate and start moving towards the arcade, the helicopters will spawn again and chase you down. So you need to make sure you have a getaway vehicle or a boat that you can take to the site and use to easily head back to the shore.
TIP:В here's an "unpopular" tip from us if you're doing this solo. If you have an oppressor mark II, then head over to the location, take out all the guards and then dive into the water to locate the vault explosive crates. Once you get the crate, you will unfortunately have to swim back to the shore since jumping off of your oppressor will destroy it as soon as it goes in the water. One you're on the surface after getting the crate, the helicopters will spawn again and come shooting at you. Do not worry about it and let them kill you, but make sure you are swimming above the surface and not underwater when you die. Now your crate will be on top of the water surface instead of deep underwater.
When you spawn back, you will spawn at the shore. Call mors mutual insurance and request your oppressor mark II again. Once it arrives. Hope on it and collect the crate. You will be able to collect it while you're on your oppressor. Then simply head back to the arcade and deliver the first crate. Repeat for the second crate and you are done with it.
See all that effort? Why not save yourself some time and energy and just do this mission with a friend. It'll be much better!
Boring machine
This is an optional approach-specific prep mission but it will make your finale much easier and faster. If you get this boring machine and also take a picture of the sewer grates in the sewer tunnel near the diamond casino then you will be able to access the casino vault very easily. You can just put explosives on the wall which leads to the vault security lobby area and then head directly into the mantrap leading to the vault.
You will need to go to one of the construction sites and steal the boring machine. There will be some resistance from the construction workers and guards there but you can easily take them out and get into the truck which is carrying the machine. You will have cops on you, but a fortunate thing about this heist prep mission is that you can easily lose the cops by calling lester from your phone (unlike for other missions in GTA online). After you've lost the cops just head to the sewer, leave the tunnel boring machine there, and you should be done with this prep mission.
You can see the final prep board below showing the missions that can be skipped, missions that are needed to be done and a mission which is not necessary to do, but can make your heist finale easier.

Heist finale
Final prep board
On the final prep board you can choose the entry point, exit point, your buyer, clean vehicle and gunman decoy.
Entrance:В choose SEWERS as your entrance.
Exit:В you can choose either WASTE DISPOSAL or STAFF LOBBY. The later is our recommended exit strategy.
Buyer:В your choice but we recommend you choose a HIGH LEVEL buyer for maximum profit.
Clean vehicle:В not necessary
Gunman decoy:В not necessary

Heist finale
As always, head towards the casino but not the side doors, the roof or the main entrance. You will head straight for the sewer tunnels. Once you reach the tunnel there will be a door already set up for you, which will lead you directly to the wall to the vault security lobby. Head through the door and at the end there will be a mark on the wall where you are supposed to plant your explosives. Plant the explosives and a cut scene will appear in which the wall is blasted open, followed by you and your partner going through it and the wall being shut closed behind you due to debris.

Once you're inside kill all of the guards. Since you have already done the duggan shipment prep mission, this will be a walk in the park for you. Just take cover, take your time and do not rush anything. Take them all out one by one and then head for the mantrap entrance. Time the keycard swiping with your friend, open up the mantrap and head to the vault.

Once you reach the vault, plant explosives on the vault. Once that is done a new contact will be added in your phone called 'detonate bomb', call that and the explosives will go off, leaving the vault entrance wide open for you. Once you get inside quickly loot all of it. Since you have thermal charges, you can also open up locked doors using the charges, without having to hack them and saving you some time. After you've looted the vault, leave it when the timer hits the 30-40 seconds mark just to be safe. When a minimum of 25 seconds are left just leave whatever you're looting and head for the exit.

Once you're outside again, you and your friend will have to swipe the keycards simultaneously to open the entrance to the mantrap. Do so and head back the same way you came from. Once you reach the vault security lobby again, more guards would have spawned there by now. Take them all out while taking cover behind walls and doors. After taking them all out head for the elevator outside. You won't be able to leave the same way you entered the area (via the sewer tunnels) because that entrance is now blocked by debris. Head for the elevator and you will be taken to the staff lobby floor.

While heading to the staff lobby floor, make sure you pre-aim while still inside the elevator and before leaving since sometimes there are guards right outside and holding a shotgun which can instant kill you. But, that shouldn't be the case if you've already completed the duggan shipment prep mission as that would have weakened all the guards. As soon as you are outside the elevator take an immediate right and then another right, heading towards two doors. Take cover and take some guards out before heading through those two doors. Once you go through the doors take a left and another left where you will come across a long hallway that leads to the staff lobby. There will be a bunch of guards ambushing you along the way. Keep taking them out while carefully pushing forward until you reach the end.

Once you reach the end of the hallway take cover by the double door. This double door will take you directly out into the staff lobby, from where you can finally exit. Take cover here and take out guards in the lobby. Once you think it is safe for you to leave, head straight for the staff lobby exit which is through the metal detectors to your right as soon as you pass the double doors.

As soon as you exit through the staff lobby head straight to the racetrack and run on the right side of the track. Keep running until you reach the end, where the track will descend down towards your right. Go down and then hop over the fence, out on the street and get a pedestrian car. After getting the pedestrian car head straight towards the sewer tunnels and stay in the middle of the tunnels until you've lost the cops. These are the same tunnels where you entered the casino vault section from. After the cops are gone, continue through the tunnel and come out of the other end of the tunnel.

Once you're outside the tunnels make sure you do not go near the casino once again. Take a route to the buyer that is different to one which would cause you to go through the highway next to the casino. So you need to make your own way-point towards the buyer and detour around the highway. Also, for those who don't know exactly where the sewer tunnels entrance is, refer to the picture below.

Once you've successfully delivered to the buyer, your heist ends there.

Frequently asked questions
Do you need to buy the penthouse to carry out the diamond casino heist?
No, you do not need the penthouse to carry out the casino heist, however some points of interest require you to have a VIP membership in order to access them, such as the vault blueprint in agatha baker's office.
If you take a picture of the blueprints then you will have a prototype in your crcade basement to practice drilling on. Getting this blueprint is completely optional and it will not affect the casino heist experience.
What is the difference between the level 1 and level 2 security passes?
Level 1 is actually useless. In addition, level 2 cards allow you to enter through all the doors without the need to hack them. With level 1, you will need to hack doors to get through them. It makes your heist much easier especially if you are doing silent & sneaky approach.
Do you select the security pass mission or trigger it?
It is on the heist prep board at the bottom right corner where it says "security pass". Underneath that, you can switch to either the level 1 pass mission or level two pass mission. When you start the mission read the prompt that will pop up asking for a confirmation to start the mission for a level 2 security pass.
How can I search for the croupier?
Once you head into the party, wait for lester to send you a picture of the croupier. Check the picture in your phone's messages and then look for an identical person in the party. The croupier will likely be on the ground extremely drunk. So try to look for passed out people on the ground. As you get closer to the croupier, he/she will be identified (you will see an arrow on top of them) and you will get the option to search. After that, if the card is not on them, you need to search for it in the surronding area. Initially it will not be marked with an arrow so just look for a highlighted/glowing object. Once you get closer to it, you will identify it and just grab it.
How do you get the sewer tunnel as the entrance option?
You can find the sewer grates in the sewer tunnels which you need to scope out during the casino scoping mission. It is right across the street from the casino. Check this article for the access points. Other than that, if you are not sure where the tunnel entrance is exactly, see this map image showing you the location of the sewer tunnels (it is circled in red)
so, let's see, what we have: you’ll need to scope out the diamond casino before the heist, here’s where you’ll find the access points at scope out casino sewer tunnel
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