Ekasyno playtech
Quando si parla di playtech è impossibile non pensare all'estrema qualità che il prodotto di questa storica software house ti propone ma contemporaneamente anche alla componente “originalità” che tale piattaforma porta da sempre con se.
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Infatti quello della playtech è scelto con assoluta preferenza dagli operatori di settore per la sua indiscussa qualità, ma anche perché esso è sempre più amato dall'utente finale.
Ekasyno playtech
Dopo aver ricevuto numerose richieste di giocatori interessati a visualizzare solamente i migliori casinò con software playtech, abbiamo deciso si estrapolare dal nostro elenco chilometrico solo i casinò playtech.
Questa lista è molto apprezzata in quanto sono moltissimi gli estimatori del software playtech nel mondo per diversi motivi:
- Qualità grafica della lobby del casinò in linea
- Giocabilità estrema in tutti i giochi offerti
- Disponibilità di qualunque gioco di casinò si cerchi, alcuni dei quali in più varianti
- Jackpot del circuito playtech di altissimo valore (basti pensare al jackpot beach life che era arrivato a più di 2.000.000€)
- Supporto clienti in chat dal vivo in qualunque casinò del circuito
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Playtech garantisce inoltre un'estrema sicurezza e casualità nei giochi, partendo da un affidabile generatore di numeri casuali (RNG - random number generator) per determinare uno spin di una slot o l'uscita di un numero alla roulette.
I casino playtech sono sinonimo di innovazione

Sono ormai lontani i tempi del debutto di questa casa produttrice nell'ambiente dei software per le poker room, risale infatti al 1999 l'anno della sua nascita, ma da allora i suoi successi sono stati tutti un crescendo, dal poker al bingo, per arrivare ai giochi arcade ed agli ormai famosi casinò playtech che tanto fanno parlare di se oggi.
Il gruppo playtech ltd di strada ne ha fatta veramente tanta ed i suoi incredibili successi l'hanno portata perfino ad essere quotata alla borsa di londra, cosa che la dice lunga su cosa ne pensano gli appassionati mondiali di gambling online in proposito.
E' stato grazie al suo straordinario successo in ambito internazionale che la playtech è stata una delle prime società ad essere inserita nell'elenco dei preferiti dalle case da gioco che si accingevano ad entrare di prepotenza all'interno del mercato italiano dopo la legalizzazione dello stesso da parte dell'aams.
I casinò online playtech hanno così iniziato a fare parlare rapidamente di se anche nel neonato mercato del gambling online italiano, ripetendo i successi avuti nel panorama mondiale ed attestandosi come uno dei software preferiti da tutti i più grandi operatori del settore.
Giocare oggi ad un casinò playtech significa avere a che fare con una scelta di giochi impressionante, una qualità ed una giocabilità degli stessi sopra la media, ma anche originalità, grazie agli ormai consolidati giochi playtech in 3D.
Scegliere un software playtech è un'assoluta garanzia di affidabilità e sicurezza, motivo per il quale i casinò che adottano questo tipo di piattaforma sono sempre di più.
Perché preferire un casinò online playtech?

Infatti quello della playtech è scelto con assoluta preferenza dagli operatori di settore per la sua indiscussa qualità, ma anche perché esso è sempre più amato dall'utente finale.
Si registra infatti un notevole incremento negli ultimi anni delle giocate sui casinò playtech da parte degli appassionati di gambling online e questo è un chiaro segnale che le case da gioco non potevano non considerare come strada da seguire per il loro miglioramento.
Fatto sta che anche in italia il software playtech ha letteralmente spopolato ed è tuttora detentore della qualifica come una delle migliori piattaforme in circolazione per una serie di importanti motivazioni.
- Prima fra tutti spicca la componente sicurezza , grande ed apprezzato punto di forza sul quale i casinò aams playtech fanno leva, in quanto tale piattaforma è ampiamente testata sotto questo punto di vista dal monopolio italiano, sia in fase di approvazione, che in quella di utilizzo.
- Doppia certificazione ; va ricordato infatti che il software playtech è certificato anche dalla BMM international, una società di consulenza a livello mondiale che lavora per tutte le più grandi aziende che si occupano di casinò online.
- Di assoluto rilievo la percentuale di vincita , parametro molto importante per l'utente finale, che non deve essere al di sotto del 90%, il software playtech garantisce il pieno rispetto di questa normativa di legge.
- Facilità di accesso alla piattaforma, grazie ad una giocabilità molto fluida ed intuitiva, a prova di inesperto, su un casinò playtech possono giocare veramente tutti, anche coloro che di giochi online non ne sanno praticamente nulla.
- Varietà impressionante dei giochi offerti, è praticamente impossibile cercare un gioco in un casinò online e non trovarlo su una piattaforma playtech , almeno noi non ci siamo riusciti, se puoi smentirci faccelo sapere.
- Serie di bonus e promozioni varie sterminata, ce n'è proprio per tutti i gusti e per tutte le esigenze, dagli allettanti bonus di benvenuto, a quelli senza deposito, per finire alle promozioni e le offerte dedicate ai fedelissimi.
- I jackpot progressivi che possono raggiungere delle vere cifre da capogiro, quando si parla di jackpot progressivi dei giochi in un casinò playtech si parla anche di milioni di euro.
- La grafica , sicuramente uno dei maggiori punti di forza del software playtech , impeccabile, curata nei minimi dettagli, che riesce a restituire ambientazioni così realistiche da rimanere senza fiato, un vero e proprio tuffo all'interno di un casinò reale.
I giochi su software playtech

Beh con i giochi playtech avrai sempre l'assoluta garanzia di avere a che fare con il top del divertimento, sia dal punto di vista della qualità che della vastità di scelta, il tutto in una realtà virtuale che ha veramente poco da invidiare ai classici casinò terrestri.
Potrai infatti spaziare fra i grandi classici da casinò tradizionale, come la roulette, in una serie sterminata di varianti e fra le tante delle quali spicca la fantastica e tanto amata versione 3D, oppure la mini-roulette, con la quale si aumentano le probabilità di vittoria grazie alla minore quantità di numeri, ma l'elenco sarebbe lungo.
Se ti piacciono i giochi di carte in un casinò online playtech troverai tante versioni di blackjack e baccarat, anche in versione “live”, più tantissimi giochi di carte, conosciuti e meno.
Sempre trattandosi di giochi di carte, menzione a parte va fatta per il poker, il software playtech ti garantisce una serie di varianti fra le più complete possibili, fino ad arrivare alle versioni di videopoker, forse uno dei giochi d'azzardo più in voga negli ultimi anni.
Ma il vero gioiello dei casinò odierni, sono indiscutibilmente le slot machines, che spaziano fra i temi più svariati ed hanno delle percentuali di vincita incredibili, le slot machines playtech da questo punto di vista hanno sicuramente una posizione di assoluto rilievo, grazie alle loro percentuali di vincita che arrivano al 98%
Playtech ONE
Experience is everything
Consumers today live and play in a real-time world without restrictions, and so do we.
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Only playtech can deliver this – play any game, on any platform and on any device using a single wallet and single account anywhere and at any time. This is our unrivalled playtech ONE solution.

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Operator results speak for themselves. We offer and enable them with all the tools and technology; they present their players with the ultimate gaming experience; and together we generate record-breaking results. This is our key differentiator and something none of our competitors are able to offer.

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Playtech is a market leader in the gambling and financial trading industries. We are the world's largest online gambling software supplier offering cutting-edge, value added solutions to the industry's leading operators.
Playtech is committed to responsibly communicating with our stakeholders. To enter this site, you must be old enough to access gambling products in your country.
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Playtech plc is licensed and regulated by the UK gambling commission, remote operating licence number 000-038516-R-319097 and non-remote operating licence number 000-038516-N-319098.
Playtech plc holds a critical gaming supply corporate license number MGA/CRP/137/2007, issued on 06 december 2018 by the malta gaming authority.
Playtech plc, ground floor, st george’s court, upper church street, douglas, isle of man, IM1 1EE contact us
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Our industry-leading offering combines unbeatable games and cutting-edge technology

- Complete omni-channel offering
- Large portfolio of top-performing content
- Seamless player experience across desktop and mobile
Playtech offers the industry's most extensive casino game portfolio, delivering over 700 innovative in-house and premium branded titles, including DC entertainment tie-ins such as justice league, superman and the dark knight, film-themed favourites including the matrix, gladiator and robocop, and original content such as age of the gods and jackpot giant.
The power of our playtech ONE omni-channel solutions allows players to enjoy a seamless experience anywhere, at any time and on any device through a single account and wallet. With industry-leading content, powerful IMS platform, business intelligence technology and fully automated marketing tools, we provide licensees with everything they need to deliver the ultimate casino experience.
With nine distinct global studios now developing content under the playtech umbrella, we can offer an unrivalled selection of games to suit a range of demands, while our open platform offers hundreds of additional titles.
The four pillars of content strategy – signature (individual style of the studio), reach (relevance to market), reliability (stable games and publication dates) and value (largest jackpots, bonusing tools, engagement tools) – allows us to deliver bespoke titles in record time and under budget across a wide range of territories.
Playtech origins
Playtech origins is a true pioneer of online gaming content creation, with a track record of producing some of the most famous, successful and innovative games in the market for more than a decade. With a diverse mix of expert games designers in worldwide locations including gibraltar, estonia, ukraine, israel and bulgaria, origins is the creative power behind some of playtech’s most popular games and games suites. Working in partnership with hollywood studios such as warner bros., origins has designed some of playtech’s leading branded content suites, including batman and superman, plus top-performing original content such as jackpot giant, white king, buffalo blitz and, most notably, the award-winning and hugely popular age of the gods series.
Ash gaming
founded in 2002, leading games studio ash gaming was acquired by playtech in 2011, producing some of the group’s most popular titles since, including ace ventura, classic TV batman, gladiator: road to rome and leprechaun’s luck. Operating on a maths-first design model, ash gaming combines unique back-end models and feature sets with engaging themes and striking graphics, delivering a wide range of high-quality, smash hit games.
Playtech vikings
With years of experience and a passion for developing the most compelling content possible, the playtech vikings team has delivered some of the most unique and successful slot games of the last 10 years. The studio’s immense creativity has resulted in a series of smash hit branded and original games, including justice league, legacy of the wild, age of the gods: god of storms and ice cave. The vikings team takes a holistic approach to game creation, with designs, concepts, themes, mechanics, sound and graphics all tailored to fit together seamlessly.
Based in lichfield, UK, psiclone games was founded in 2007 and acquired by playtech in 2014. Specialising in retail markets, psiclone focuses on producing unique and engaging high-quality slot titles, including the famous fairground fortunes. Striving for excellence at all times, psiclone games has established a first-class reputation within the industry for its fresh approach to slot design and player engagement.
Acquired by playtech in 2016, quickspin is a swedish game studio that develops innovative video slots for real money online gambling and free to play social markets. Quickspin’s mission is to cause a market-changing shift in quality and innovation through its games. Its 60-strong team of gaming industry veterans are all passionate about gaming, with the philosophy that the games they create are games they as players would love to play.
Established in brisbane, australia in 1997, eyecon is a leading game studio that develops slots and table games for real money online gambling and free-to-play social markets. Acquired by playtech in 2017, its portfolio of more than 70 leading titles includes the hugely popular fluffy favourites. Eyecon has a team of more than 40 staff with a wealth of industry experience based in brisbane, malta and the channel islands.
Rarestone is the newest addition to the playtech studios family. Founded by veterans of major players in the industry, this australian-based studio is built on a passion for developing games with global appeal. Working on the principle that the best game designers are game players, rarestone focuses on maths-led development to create titles tailored to seasoned players. Key releases from rarestone include the fire blaze series – a suite of ancient culture-themed games all linked by an exciting ‘hold and respin’ feature, offering players a chance to win four in-game jackpots.
Neue playtech casinos
Seit 1999 liefert playtech den online casinos ausgezeichnete software und spieler dienstleistungen an. Wenn ein online casino von playtech betrieben wird, bietet es ein hohes sicherheitsniveau zusätzlich zu der riesigen auswahl an casino spiele. Die playtech casinos sind gut für das angebot einer sicheren und zuverlässigen spielumgebung für alle registrierter spieler bekannt. Jedes casino wird eine verschiedene spielauswahl anbieten, aber die spieler werden immer eine große auswahl mit über 300 zur jeder zeit verfügbaren spiele haben. Da playtech nur die besten spiele in der industrie anbietet, werden die spieler sofort merken, dass sie die beste und unvergessliche spielerfahrung haben werden.
Es gibt mehr als 70 funktionierende online casinos, die von playtech betrieben werden. Es gibt einige neue online casinos, die zu funktionieren angefangen haben und von playtech betrieben sind. Diese online casinos treffen alle industrie standarte und bieten den spielern die aufregung und belohnung die von playtech casinos erwartet wird. Wenn man ein neues playtech casino wählt, muss man sicherstellen, dass dieses casino eine lizenz hat und dass es unter einer jurisdiktion, die die online glücksspiele reguliert, registriert ist. Sobald man sicher ist, dass das online casino nach allen gesetzen funktioniert, kann man mit den online glücksspielen anfangen und die beste spielerfahrung in der industrie genießen.
In den neuen playtech casinos, haben die spieler die möglichkeit am anfang die spiele einfach zum spaß zu spielen, ohne dabei ihr eigenes geld zu riskieren. Dies ist ein großartiger weg für die neue spieler sich mit der software und dem online casino bekannt zu machen und wenn sie bereit sind um echtes geld zu spielen, können sie ganz einfach die software herunterladen, eine einzahlung machen und das lieblings spiel von playtech auswählen.
Alle an dieser seite angebotene promotionen, werden von playtech erzeugt. Während jedes casino verschiedene promotionen und aktionen haben wird, müssen sie erstmals von playtech genehmigt sein und nachdem können sie den spielern angeboten werden. Zusätzlich dazu, bieten die neue playtech casino eine ausgezeichnete kundenunterstützung. Die meisten casinos geben den spieler die möglichkeit die kundenunterstützung per email, fax, telefon oder live chat zu kontaktieren. Die live chat funktion ist der schnellste und einfachste weg antworte auf jede frage, die während des spielens auftreten könnte, zu bekommen.
Das grand reef casinos und winner casinos sind zwei der neuesten casinos unter den playtech namen. Beide diese casinos sind lizensiert und reguliert und bieten attraktive bonusse allen spieler, die sich als neue kunden registrieren. Die spieler die fans von playtech spiele sind, sollten immer nach neueröffneten casinos suchen. Dies wird ihnen erlauben von den vorteilen der großartigen willkommensbonusse zu genießen und zugang zu den letzten und großartigsten spielen von playtech leisten. Als ein führer in der casino software industrie, bietet playtech die zuverlässigsten online dienstleistungen und zieht weiterhin tausende von spieler aus der ganzen welt an.
Playtech is the international online casino software operating on the market for almost 20 years. Since 1999, the year of company foundation, playtech has boosted its portfolio with over 500 of original online casino slots, sportsbook, mobile, bingo, and poker games. The company was successfully listed on the london stock exchange in march 2006 and has been performing strongly for the past 10 years. Playtech was the first company to start delivering live casino online in 2003 and keeps developing and improving the product range to the present day. There are hundreds of online casinos sites designed to help playtech big fans to have a breakthrough gambling experience.
On this page, you will see the detailed list of all playtech casinos available in your country as well as the constantly updated list of playtech slots available for free play directly on this page (no download required). So, whether you are looking for the playtech casino in nigeria to gamble online for real money or simply want to test out a trustworthy casino site featuring best playtech slots stay tuned with us. Be first to find out about new playtech casinos and claim exclusive no deposit promotions to play your favorite DC comics slots for real money.
Playtech casino software is actually as widely spread across various online casinos in nigeria as, let’s say, microgaming or net entertainment casino games suppliers. It goes without saying that it’s quite challenging to complete M&A deals successfully yet playtech gets through it pretty well whatever it takes. According to analysts from morgan stanley, the company board of directors discusses means to undertake between three to five potential acquisition deals every time they arrange the board meeting. The more the company expands the more playtech casino list gets broader and broader every year.
On february 2017 the company signed the deal with warner bros. On behalf of DC entertainment to launch the series of DC-branded online progressive slot games. It was the strategic step towards winning hearts and minds of slots players who sometimes feel sort of lost due to the wide supply of online slot games of any type or theme. Players are more likely and eager to play slot games with such big names as batman or superman than the games powered by less familiar casino vendors. This is a quick introduction into the success story of playtech slot games.
Sometimes, even the best-designed game can lose its attractiveness when one chooses the low-quality online casino to play for real money and hopes to win big. This won’t happen if you approach your first gambling experience in a conscious and deliberate manner. What were are trying to convey to you is that you should avoid rogue and unsafe online casino sites. You can’t even imagine how many fraudulent casinos are waiting for you out there. There is a way out of this problem, don’t let them fool you and go through your own online casino research.
Here, as you’ve already seen, we have not so big list of playtech online casino sites. It takes us some time to study casinos we offer here yet it’s our pleasure to do it for you. We included in our list of recommended only those online casinos which strictly corresponds to our requirements. Every single online casino site here possesses the license of world’s recognised gambling authorities such as UK gambling commission, malta gaming authority, alderney gambling control commission to to ensure the players’ rights are upheld and protected.
Here you see such popular in nigeria online casino brands as william hill, mrgreen, BGO, and videoslots.Com which proved themselves as trustworthy and reliable over the last several years. So, if you’re feeling like go and bet some money on blackjack or roulette, spin the slot machine reels several times in a row look no further than our list of playtech casinos. If you are confused about the size of our casino selection don’t get discouraged so easily. It’s our goal to cover the whole spectrum of online casinos providing playtech games for real money play. We’re planning to add new playtech casinos in the nearest future or if you have some suggestions, feel free to contact us.
In terms of mobile compatibility, the suggested online casinos let players to enjoy the first-class standards of mobile gaming. Playtech mobile casino delivers the top-notch performance, graphics and gambling content accessible on any android, iphone, ipad powered mobile or tablet device.
Slot games comprise the biggest part in the company profile. Here you gonna learn everything you ever wanted to know about playtech games, their themes, graphics and customly developed features. Moreover, here you’ll find the complete and most up-to-date playtech free slots list as we keep an eye on new releases on the regular basis.
For almost 20 years of service playtech developed approximately 500 online slots, casino and live games. Gamblers of all types will find as suitable game among wide portfolio of classic, video and progressive slots with the awesome design profitable winning opportunities. For your information playtech has removed the marvel series online slots as the deal with marvel studios expired so don’t try to play iron man or fantastic four slot because they’re no longer available.
The good news is the new set of DC comics based slot games are about to arrive online shortly. Who will refuse to fight hand in hand with bruce wayne or robocop. Follow us on social media and be first to know about newest playtech arrivals.
Playtech also cares about more conventional games like online blackjack, roulette, baccarat, bingo, lottery, social gaming products and other skill games making a huge leap towards online gambling industry domination. Keeping a games portfolio diversified leverages playtech overall ability to enter new markets and reaching new target audiences.
There is no reasonable doubt about the quality of playtech games as the company repeatedly won the prestige igaming industry awards. In 2016 it was claimed the best digital industry supplier at global gaming awards.
Playtech experience in the igaming industry and quality of the gaming products serves as the strong foundation of the company reliability and wide popularity. Millions of gamblers choose playtech online games every single day, but this company won’t rest on its laurels. More and more players have significantly contributed to the playtech expansion and improvement of playtech. In 2012 playtech fans got access to the mobile hub designed to deliver a compelling mobile experience to users of all types of devices – android, ios, iphone, windows phone. Developed on the HTML5 technology, the mobile hub performs equally good on all web browsers. Feel free to open any playtech mobile slot game on your device and see just how smoothly it works or go to any of mobile casino sites listed here to play playtech products for real money.
So, let's see, what we have: ekasyno playtech dopo aver ricevuto numerose richieste di giocatori interessati a visualizzare solamente i migliori casinò con software playtech , abbiamo deciso si estrapolare dal nostro elenco at ekasyno playtech
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